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After staying for few minutes of hugging each other the couple's finally broke the hugs.

"Wuxian!" called Xie lian turning his head towards Wangxian.

"Yes!" replied Wei wuxian, Xie lian chuckled making other confused.

"I am happy, you are fine, but now we would like to take our leave!" exclaimed Xie lian making Hua cheng and Wei wuxian shocked.

"Gege?" exclaimed Hua cheng.

"San lang, we just came for a trip and i think it's already over, I am missing our home! Mu qing and Feng xin are already in Ghost city as they are searching for you. You send a message to Jie, to meet us in Paradise Manor!" said Xie lian before turning towards Wei wuxian again.

"Thank you, we are glad to meet, nice peoples. And sorry for all the inconvenience we have caused you!" exclaimed Xie lian with a smile, although it was fake.

"Wuxian!" called Hua cheng, but Wei wuxian was still puzzled by Xie lian saying.

"Um... No problem!" exclaimed Wei wuxian returning the smile which was also fake.

"Goodbye!" said Xie lian.

"... G-Good bye!" said Wei wuxian and Hua cheng looked at him in disbelief, he thought Wei wuxian believed him but maybe he misunderstood.

"San lang! Lets go!" said Xie lian and Hua cheng nodded his head, he stared at Wei wuxian for some time and then finally they walked from there.

Hua cheng stopped at some distance as he walked back to Wei wuxian, gesture his hand towards him, giving him a red pouch.

"Huh?" Wei wuxian didn't understood what he was doing but eventually grabbed the Pouch. Hua cheng passed him a smile and run to catch up to Xie lian.

"Wei ying! Are you fine?" asked Lan zhan to Wei wuxian who was still looking at the couple, but soon the pair disappeared.

Wei wuxian eyes filled with tears but eventually it got subsidised as he hugged Lan zhan who just patted his back without any questions.


"Wei ying do you want to eat something else?" asked Lan zhan as Wei wuxian was just staring at food.

"No! It's fine!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he began to eat the food.

Wangxian was in Jingshi, eating dinner. It has been two days since Hualian went their ways.

Wei wuxian behaviour was changed ever since the day Hualian left. He was rarely eating and speaking, which was concerning Lan zhan, as Wei wuxian can live without anything but can't live quitely.

"Wei ying! What happened when you were missing?" asked Lan zhan finally, Wei wuxian didn't tell anyone anything, Jiang cheng asked him so many times but he just shrugged it off by diverting the topic so, he returned to Yunmeng Jiang, Lan xichen and Lan Jingyi also leave with him.

"... Lan zhan, we done empathy!" exclaimed Wei wuxian after taking a deep breath.

"Empathy?" exclaimed Lan zhan.

"Umm..." exclaimed Wei wuxian and began to tell everything while Lan zhan was just listening to him patiently.

"Wei ying, they are your real parents!" said Lan zhan, although he was not so found of other people, he somehow believe Xie lian after hearing him.

"Mn!" exclaimed Wei wuxian, then silence lies.

"Why didn't you stop them?" asked Lan zhan.

"Lan zhan... " Wei wuxian began to cry.

"Wei ying it's fine, please don't cry!" Lan zhan tried to console Wei wuxian who was crying more.

"Lan zhan... I want to... meet... them... I want meet... mother..." exclaimed Wei wuxian between sobs, although he spent some time with Hua cheng but didn't with Xie lian much. But now since he believed they are his parents, he was longing for their care.

"Don't worry Wei ying, you can meet him!" said Lan zhan but Wei wuxian face turned more down.

"But how?.. we don't know... how to meet
... them... we don't know where they live..." exclaimed Wei wuxian as Lan zhan wipes his tear off.

"We can find them!" said Lan zhan gently.

"Where?" asked Wei wuxian and Lan zhan couldn't reply. They were heavily officials, didn't live in mortal realm.

"G-Ghost city... Paradise Manor!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as the memories flashed in his mind, he remembered seeing in empathy.

Wei wuxian signed, what the even point of knowing the location when you didn't knew how to reach there.

"Wei ying, the red pouch!" exclaimed Lan zhan and Wei wuxian face lit up as he smiled, they still have something, the pouch Hua cheng gave him before leaving.

"Yes... i didn't opened it! Where I kept it?" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he started to look around then Lan zhan make him sit and took it out from Wei wuxian's own robes.

Wei wuxian happily take the pouch and opened it but huffed after seeing the stuff inside.

"A Dice?" questioned Wei wuxian in disbelief.

But soon, a silver butterfly fly out of the pouch.

"Wei ying, touch it!" exclaimed Lan zhan, and Wei wuxian touched it, it turned red on instant.

Lan zhan take the pouch from him, there was also a letter inside.

"How came i didn't see it?" Wei wuxian immediately snatched it as he began to read.

If you feel like meeting us, just rolled this dice and you will teleport into Ghost city!

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now