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Disclaimer: König's appearance will be his sinister skin

another is that the reader is male but has vagina, I didn't specially make him trans is just the setting. the y/n here is more timid. there will be P2 or I will evaporate.

When you think of demons what comes into your mind? Horns? A tail? Instead, in this demonic world, demons look rather like ordinary humans, physical at least. Their appearance said otherwise. but demons aren't the only one thing, living skeletons that have human intelligence and hybrids share the same world.

And of course there will be cases of cross-species relationships, thus the world has a variety of creatures. And demons have different kinds although they're categorize as demons

But we will be focusing on one individual, König. Part of the demon ethnicity, he's the kind of demon that does rituals and summoning stuff, more than that.

It all started during his job, to begin; his job is not a pretty one, often taking the life of another, imprinting fear. He has a close friend named Horangi who is in the same category as him.

They share the same job, bloody job. Their work consists of commissions that want an individual or a group gone, sometimes they want a certain object that was taken from them.

Unlike Horangi who has a social circle, König lives more solitary. Horangi often hangs out with König more, bringing him places to eat or so, König does appreciate his reception, but he's still unable to adapt to crowded places or just places naturally have a lot of people. He knows Horangi do this to make him feel less lonely, no matter what he eats, who he met or places he goes to he still feels. 


The laughs and smiles he made himself were hallow, as in he doesn't feel like those were real.

his sense of loneliness grows bigger each day he spends, slowly eating him away. It got worse when Horangi as usual brought him out to eat after completing a commission.

The restaurant was filled with chattering guests of all species, it was a lively environment, yet König unintentionally spread this intimidating aura around him.

"Anything you would like to order?" says the waiter, he has a body and face of a harpy eagle standing like a human (I really have no idea what food to give them, so we'll just give them regular food) after ordering their desire dishes, the waiter walks away. König observes the environment to see a lot of hybrid species and few demonic ones.

Another thing, he and Horangi are the kind of demons that are uncommon in the underworld, they're demons who do dark rituals and stuff, such as summoning a creature or creating one, even more; they can be summoned by mortals who knows how, the commission mention before is the request they get from mortals, they can get from wanting someone dead, help them curse someone or help them.

Most of König's request contains violence he has gotten used to.

"You gotta tone that scary ambience down, König." Horangi suggest

König gaze him with his yellow orbs glowing like blazing fire in hell "that's not within my control" he utters "hm, maybe try look a bit friendlier"

"As if you look friendlier than me" König retorts his red demon friend "hey now, don't deflect my word" Horangi sipping a drink from his cup.

"Says König, have you ever thought about getting a partner?" König chocks from the unexpected question "where did that come from..."

"Been thinking a while, other than me who else would bring you out, you basically stay home the entire day unless there's a mission"

König x Male reader Oneshots👑 (currently discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now