Part I

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As the tumultuous winds of the Archon War raged on, I found myself amidst the chaos, my energy waning with each passing moment. The deafening cacophony of battle surrounded me, the anguished cries of the people mingling with the clash of steel and the thunderous rumble of magic. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring my vision as I fought tirelessly to protect those caught in the crossfire. Yet, despite my efforts, the overwhelming tide of conflict threatened to engulf me, leaving me gasping for breath amidst the swirling chaos.

As I battled  against the relentless onslaught of enemies, my senses heightened by the intensity of the conflict, a sudden eruption caught my attention. "Shit," I muttered under my breath, instinctively bracing myself for the impact. In a blur of motion, a streak of vibrant teal green streaked past me, accompanied by a rush of wind that seemed to carry the very essence of speed itself. The figure, cloaked in that ethereal hue, collided with the earth in a tumultuous crash, creating its own miniature explosion upon impact.

In an instant, I recognized the silhouette—a fellow adeptus, I was not one myself, but one among those with whom I had honed my skills in the art of combat. Yet, our acquaintance remained distant, forged merely through shared trials under the watchful gaze of the divine. Bound by the mandates of the cruel Archon, our duty eclipsed personal bonds, compelling us to carry out deeds that defied our very principles.

With swift movements, I dashed forward, leaving a trail of shimmering hydro particles in my wake. Gently, I began to clear the debris that trapped the figure, helping them to rise. Yet, before we could even register relief, another deafening explosion rent the air, triggering the collapse of towering mountains. The accompanying adepti, valiant protectors of Liyue, were mercilessly overwhelmed by the relentless force. "NO!" cried the figure, consumed by despair, their pain eclipsing any acknowledgment of my presence.

"Alatus,get out NOW!" commanded Bosacius, an adeptus endowed with the power of electro, just moments before succumbing to the crushing force of impending demise.


Startled from my slumber, I was abruptly jolted awake by the presence of a floating figure- Paimon, and  concerned  Lumine, standing at my bedside. Paimon's gentle voice broke the silence, expressing worry: "Are you alright? Another nightmare, huh? Who is Alatus?" Overwhelmed by her inquiries, I struggled to find my bearings, emerging from the depths of my most vivid dream yet. Its resonance echoed as if the events of a millennium past had unfolded mere moments ago.

"Alatus..." I whispered, the name of a distant figure from a bygone era escaping my lips, yet lost in the mists of time. Paimon's puzzled expression mirrored my own inner turmoil as I sought to comfort her. "It's nothing, just recurring nightmares of my past," I reassured them, my smile masking the lingering shadows of memories long past. With a gentle gaze, I sought to convey to both Paimon and Lumine that despite the haunting echoes of my history, I remained fine in the present moment.

Paimon gently grasps my hand, urging me to rise from my bed, though I take the initiative to stand on my own accord, making it easier for her. With a playful tone, Paimon suggests, "Come on, Y/N! How about we distract you from your thoughts and treat you to a meal at Wangshu Inn? It's on Lumine!" Paimon's mischievous smirk is met with a sarcastically perplexed expression from Lumine.

With a warm smile, I graciously accept their kind offer. As we leisurely stroll through the bustling streets of Liyue, we engage in lively conversation, all the while marveling at the splendor of the cityscape. Lumine initiates the dialogue, her expression inviting. "So, Y/N, with the Lantern Rite approaching, do you have any plans?" Her smile hints at an unspoken invitation, one that I eagerly interpret as a desire to accompany me to the festival.

"I do not have any plans," I chuckled softly, feeling a hint of embarrassment at the realization that I had been contemplating spending the most beautiful event in Liyue alone. "I suppose I would love to accompany you," I admitted, grateful for the opportunity to share in the festivities with Lumine and Paimon by my side.

As we neared Wangshu Inn, an uneasy sensation began to creep over me, my heightened senses as a vision wielder amplifying the bustling energy around us. Despite feeling overwhelmed, I brushed off my unease, reminding myself that it was merely my imagination running wild. "It's nothing," I reassured myself inwardly, determined to overcome my apprehensions. "I need to learn to be comfortable in crowded places and not let irrational fears take hold."

As we took our seats at a table in Wangshu Inn, accompanied by Paimon and Lumine, Verr Goldet handed us our menus with a smile. But as I scanned the offerings, an uneasy feeling crept over me. It was as if a sense of impending danger lurked nearby, despite the relatively quiet atmosphere of the restaurant. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, even though there were only a few other diners around—a sensation I had never experienced in public before.

I jumped up, earning surprised looks from Lumine and Paimon. "Nah, this won't do," I blurted out, my distress evident as I stood. "Let's hit up Third-Round Knockout instead," I suggested, punctuating my words with an awkward chuckle and a sheepish smile, hoping to dodge any questions about my sudden change of plans.

As we departed, Verr Goldet seemed puzzled by our suddenly vacant table, but found a small pouch of mora left behind as a token of appreciation. As we made our way back to Liyue, I made a concerted effort to study the building of Wangshu Inn from afar as best I could. And to my surprise, there was something all the way up on the roof of the building. "Surely no one is able to get that high" I brushed off, as I turned back, Paimon, ever observant, noticed your frequent glances behind you and myunusually subdued demeanor, but wisely chose not to press for answers.


As I stepped into the tavern, Zhongli's presence caught my eye. I knew him as a familiar face from the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, but little did I know, he held memories of me from a time long past. His gaze, filled with a hint of recognition, met mine, though I remained unaware of our shared history from the Archon War. Despite my limited knowledge, there was an unspoken connection between us, one that transcended our current acquaintance and hinted at a deeper bond forged in the crucible of ancient conflicts

Paimon's voice rang out excitedly, breaking the momentary silence. "Lumine, Y/N, it's Mister Zhongli! Let's go say hi!" Her enthusiasm was palpable as she urged us to greet Zhongli.

"Ah, Lumine, Y/N, and Paimon," Zhongli greeted us with a measured tone, his demeanor serene yet enigmatic. "A fortuitous encounter indeed. Pray tell, what brings you to this humble establishment?"

Paimon interjected with a hint of exasperation, "Eh?! I never understand your fancy words, Zhongli! You always use those big, fancy words Paimon can't wrap her head around!" A chorus of laughter erupted from Lumine and me, while Zhongli offered a gentle smirk in response, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he took a leisurely sip of his tea.

"I deemed it fitting to take respite within the confines of this establishment," Zhongli began, his voice carrying a hint of contemplation. "And lo, what a fortuitous encounter it is to behold the presence of Lumine, Y/N, and the ever-vibrant Paimon within these walls. Truly, your company brings a welcome spark to this humble tavern." His eyes glimmered with a subtle excitement as he acknowledged our presence, a rare glimpse of genuine pleasure amidst his usual composed demeanor.

Zhongli's keen gaze lingered on you, noticing the subtle signs of distress and disassociation clouding your thoughts. For some time, he had contemplated revealing the truth about your past—a tale of being a half-adeptus, half-human, who had once risked her mortality to protect an immortal Yaksha. It was a story of sacrifice, of being granted a second chance at life by the Archons, with memories of the past erased. As he observed my troubled state, Zhongli wrestled with the decision, knowing that the revelation could bring clarity but also upheaval to my fragile sense of identity.

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