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"Y/N, I'm sorry. I can't keep doing this," Daniel said abruptly, moving his cup closer and using the straw to swirl the ice. He tried to not male any eye contact with you, he knew those words cut you deep. You sat there shocked, your jaw practically dropped to the ground. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I think we just got caught up in our romantic feelings and we've become so busy with each other and our jobs. Maybe it's just that this is a distraction...."

"Danny, can- can we talk about this? Think it over?." you asked while trying to not cry, choking on your words. You didn't want to make a big scene while you two were at your favorite cafe. Those memories? Gone.

"I'm so, so sorry Y/N," he replied quietly, frowning and still avoidant. "I need to get back to practice." Just like that, he got up and left you alone. You watched as he left the cafe, seemingly with no regret, no looking back.

I can make you mad

I can make you scream

I can make you cry

I can make you leave

I can make you hate me

For everything

But I can't make you come back to me

Ricciardo, Daniel Ricciardo. That was about seven months ago and since then you've struggled to make it day to day without that sunshine of yours. You missed his laugh, his smile, those big brown eyes of his, everything... Three and a half years down the drain in a single moment because of what? You being a distraction? You've seen posts here and there on your socials speculating that that might've been encouraged by his press officer. Lots of comments saying the same thing like 'Way to get rid of the distraction,' 'Y'all did them dirty,' 'They were so happy together and he was doing well' stuff like that.

You still kept in contact with some of the other wives and girlfriends of the other drivers. In fact, you were somewhat close with Alex's and George's girlfriends, and occasionally they'd come over to your flat in Barcelona to help cheer you up. You were studying abroad in Spain trying to get your masters in mechanical engineering, focusing on automotive mechanics. It was tough for sure, but you managed. It seemed that every time you watched a race since the break up, he's been struggling too, you can see it in his demeanor. His teammates and other drivers seemed to give him shit for breaking up with you. Little did you know that it was actually the idea of his press officer. There were days where you'd lay in bed staring at the ceiling wondering where you went wrong. No doubt, the both of you actually missed each other, but unbeknownst to you, he desperately wanted you by his side again. You, on the other hand, actually wondered if he was doing the same thing, staying up and thinking about you.

The girls came over to the flat to get you out of the place, get a breath of fresh air, soak up the beautiful sunshine. They were so worried about you and how you struggled to care for yourself.

"Aw girls, you didn't have to take me out to the spa! I mean it!," You exclaimed, you just didn't want them to worry so much.

"Y/N please don't worry about it! We want what's best for you," Carmen replied, Lily nodded as she agreed.

"Plus, he's been depressed and struggling as much as you have," Lily added. "I truly think that this wasn't his idea, but rather a forced one."

"Ya think? I mean it could be possible." You replied quietly. "When's the next race? I have a break coming up this week."


"I believe this week actually, here in Barcelona," Carmen interjected before Lily could reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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