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A mother, a teifling reproduced with a human man, him a king, her a servant of a neighboring kingdom, had 3 beautiful children... or so they thought. In their eyes, one was a disgrace. Sorrow the middle born. She was a  beautiful young lady, yet born with the curse of being a teifling. And the kingdom despised her for that, even downgrading her for something she had no control over, but everyone seemed to have thought she wanted. And her mother? Her mother was the worst. The one who caused her to befall this terrible tragedy blamed her for everything that has and will come. She has a long journey ahead, yet doesn't know it. In the years to come, she would find out how hateful and disgusting the world truly shall be. The father was truly evil in sorrows eyes. He was happily married to the queen.they had one beautiful daughter together.  And then he decided she wasn't eneough. Moved on to a woman named Milla, sorrows mother. After the affair with Milla, he ran back to the queen. They had another healthy child, although the queen suffered a tragic fate. She parished in childbirth. The king made no effort to maurn her death. As soon as she was 6 feet in the ground, he wed himself to Milla. She became the new queen. The two girls from his first beloved wife were named Mya and Star. Milla seemed to have loved Mya and star more than her own blooded daughter. In sorrows eyes, her father took away her family, the only family she had. All because he wasn't satisfied. Mya, the oldest, was a secret shoulder to cry on for sorrow. And star the youngest, the most loved was ignorant of sorrows suffering, and was a Hanous bitch towards sorrow. Sorrow would be betrayed, outcasted, and left alone unbeknownst to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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