Chapter 1

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   I walk up to the door of the beautiful house that I would be staying in for a couple months. The house that belongs to the guy I fell in love with 14 years ago.

   The guy that I was still in love with.

   I run my fingers through my curls as I take a deep breath. I don't want to stay here. Not with him. But there was nowhere else to go, not while my house is being built here. It's summer, and all the hotels in LA are booked. All the rest of my friends are out of town, and there's no one else I know. So, with one last sigh, I push the doorbell.

   After a couple seconds, the door opens and I stop breathing, because it's the guy that I have loved since I was 16, Louis Tomlinson. His hair is the same light brown color it's always been and he has the same sea green eyes. He looks so familiar, so much like home, that I just want to have him wrap his arms around me like he used to. The only thing that's missing is his warm smile, and the energy that comes with it.

   "Hey, Louis" I start. "I want to apologize again for it being such short notice, but my friend backed out at the last minute because of some emergency, and-"

   "It's fine, Harry," He snaps, and closes his eyes. He takes a breath, and then reopens them. He plasters a fake smile on his face. "Come on in."

   Louis opens the door further to let me in, and I walk in, rolling my suitcases behind me. He closes the door, and heads towards the staircase. I look around, and see that nothing has changed. Everything is the same as it was when we were together. It feels familiar. It feels like home.

   "You coming?" Louis asks, turned around at the top of the staircase. I nod, and walk up the steps, lifting my suitcases as I go.

   Once I get to the top, he leads me to the door to the left and opens it to a guest bedroom. There's a queen bed with a nightstand on each side, a dresser with a TV on top, and a chair in the corner. Louis points to a door on the right side of the bed. "That's your closet," Then he points to another door beside the chair. "And that's your bathroom."

   "Thanks, Louis. I seriously don't know where'd I be right now if it wasn't for you," I say, and flash him a smile.

   "It was no problem," He shrugs as he clears his throat and I swear I see something brighten in his eyes. "Your house key is on the table by the door. Figured you might need one if you're going to be staying here for a little while."

   "Thanks, Louis. I was actually going to ask if you could make me one because I have a lot of interviews and meetings to attend in the next month, and I didn't want to interrupt any of your plans."

   "Good thing I thought ahead. Anyway, I'm going out with Eleanor in about an hour, so I'll leave you to unpack." And all my hopes deflate. Because of course Louis is still with Eleanor. Why did I think otherwise?

   Louis closes the door behind him, and I run for the bathroom. I barely make it to the toilet before I throw up. Afterwards, I lean back against the wall. Was I stupid? Did I really think that Louis would want me back after everything I did?


   [Flashback to 8 years ago]

   "Are you fucking serious, Harry? Are you seriously going to say it's my fucking fault?" Louis yells across the entryway as he shoves on his jacket.

   "Yes, Louis, I am!! I wouldn't have had to do anything with Kendall if you would have just fucking listened to me for once and what I wanted!!" I yell back.

   Louis shoves his phone and keys into his pocket from off the table by the door. "You know what Harry, it's fine. I'm fucking done with putting up with your bullshit. Just know that tomorrow, I want you out with your key left on the fucking table!!" And he slams the door in my face.

   "Shit!" I cry. It was my fault. All of it's my fault. I knew I was being petty, but my dumbass decided to fuck Kendall anyway. Whom I didn't even like!! I feel tears creeping into my eyes, and I get my phone out of my back pocket.

   "Mom?" I say as she picks up on the third ring.

   "Love, what's wrong?" She asks, concern in her voice.

   "Mom, I'm coming home."

   [End of flashback]


   "There," I say to myself as I look around the guest room closet, checking to make sure everything is organized nicely. I reach up and take my earbuds out, finally realizing how loud my music was. But I couldn't let myself think. Not about Louis.

   I just felt bad. Everything that happened was my fault. I mean, if I wouldn't have tried to jab at him the way I did, we would probably still be together. Not only that, but we could probably have come out to the world. Together.

   But because of my stupid actions, we didn't. And probably never would.

   I take a deep breath as I sit down at the edge of the bed. I mean, maybe it was for the better. Louis didn't seem affected by seeing me at all. And if he wasn't affected, he probably wasn't even happy in the relationship by then. He was probably grateful that I created a way for him to get out.

   Just then, I feel my stomach rumble, and realize that I'm really hungry. And pizza sounds amazing. I take my phone out of my pocket to call up a pizza place, and notice my phone's dead. Probably from where I was listening to music for so long.

   I sigh as I get up to look for my charger for my phone. I look through my backpack, the one I had on the plane. Then I remember I used it before I left the airport. And left it plugged in the wall.

   Damn it! I was always forgetting stuff. If I was lucky, Louis would still be here and I could borrow his. I walk out of my room and to the other end of the hall to where Louis' room is. But right as I'm about to knock, I hear Louis talking, so I put my ear up to the door to listen.

   "...and I've missed him so much," He says. "But I don't know what to do Lottie. I can't just dump Eleanor. I mean, she's been there for me since the day he left... No, you don't need to talk to her. He'll be gone after a couple of months, and then I won't have to feel like this anymore... I know I don't need to ignore my feelings for him, but... No, I get it, Lottie, I just... Ok, love you too. Say hey to Lucky for me."

   Was Louis talking about me? But why was he talking about me like that? I really hope he doesn't feel that way. That would mean I hurt him way worse than I wanted to. But if he does still feel that way, there's a chance for me and him after all. Oh, what the fuck was I supposed to say to him now?

   Just then, the door swings open and Louis jumps as soon as he notices me. "Jesus, Harry, what the hell?"

   "Sorry, just wondering if you've got an extra charging cord for my phone. I left mine at the airport," I explained quickly, hoping that he wouldn't notice I had been eavesdropping.

   "Oh, sure," He walks back into his room, and I take that as a sign to follow. I walk in, and stop in my tracks because this man hasn't changed a thing since I left. He even still had the decor that I got for the room on the side I used to sleep on. Nothing was different.

   "Here you go," Louis says as he turns around and notices me staring at the setup on the side that used to be mind. "Oh, yeah. When Eleanor came over to stay the night and saw all the decor, she said it was cute, so I never changed it."

   I nod as I feel my heart shatter a little bit more. Because of course Louis wouldn't still have it up for me. Of course it's because of Eleanor. He probably wasn't even talking about me earlier on the phone.

   Why are you so stupid?

   Why can't you just realize that you fucked it up, and that it's over? Because of what you did.

   I feel tears start to prick the back of my eyes, so I look away from Louis as I take the cord from his hands and mutter a thanks. Then I go to my room as fast as I can without running, and slam the door behind me. And then I cry.

8 years-Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now