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Jennie couldn't help but shake off the strange touch from her *sshole.


She doesn't want....

She remembered what Taehyung did last time in her dorm, first licking her whole body and finally licking her little *sshole.

How can...?

It's not a place for s*x at all.

It's use for, use for....

"Ah~" Jennie suddenly shriek, Taehyung scratched her anus with his nails just now.

"Don't..." Jennie wants to cover her *ss.

She did not know where the rope come from, but Taehyung suddenly tied her two hands.

"It's really not possible there..." Jennie tried to persuade, "Isn't my p*ssy not enough for you to f*ck...my *sshole you want to enter, you...are you not afraid of getting dirty?"

Taehyung kissed the butterfly bone on her back.

"Jen, nothing is dirty when it comes to you." Taehyung sighed lightly.As he said this, he uses the lewd water smeared in her p*ssy for lubrication, and then he stuck a finger into her chrysanthemum.

"Ah~" it is strange.

The place normally use for excretion is now inserted by a Taehyung's finger.

Jennie has to admit that she is feeling pleasure.


Why can she even feel good when her asshole is being played.

"Are you comfortable?" Taehyung's finger began to press and expand her asshole.


Maybe because this is the virtual world, even if her asshole hasn't been cleaned up properly, her chrysanthemum is still clean and there is no dirt.

"Jennie's butthole is also sl*tty, I just stretched out a finger to enter and it already bit my finger tightly." Taehyung pressed his fingers in her asshole while sighing.

"Um...no...ah~" Jennie wants to deny.

Gradually one finger became unimpended, Taehyung inserted the second one, then the third. But because Jennie clamps up in tension, when the three fingers were inserted, it is obviously difficult to thrust."Jen relax." Taehyung tried to soothe her.

"I don't..." Jennie cried, "You're bullying me again...I don't want to..."

Taehyung didn't really want Jennie to feel uncomfortable. Seeing Jennie in distress he untied her hands. He put his arms around her and kiss her face.

Taehyung patiently coax her, "Yesterday, who told me that I can f*ck her all the time and even said that you wouldn't let me pull out after you climax?"

Jennie chokes harder, "But you can't rely on me liking you, that you can bully me..."

"When am I bullying you?" Taehyung wipes her tears and said softly, "Isn't making love something that makes us both happy?"

Jennie does not have any come back, after all, she is really happy when Taehyung is f*cking her.

"But..." Jennie shrank her little *sshole.

The tearful delicate cat eyes glared at Taehyung fiercely and said aggrieved, "But its not a place for s*x, it's dirty...."

"Not dirty," Taehyung twisted the three fingers that had been stuffed into her little *sshole, pushed it back and forth a few times and pulls it out to show Jennie , "See, it's clean where is it dirty?" Jennie said no in anger, she don't like it.

Taehyung continues to kiss and coax her, "Jen , believe me, you are going to enjoy being f*ck in your *sshole later."

"Why do you have such a perverted idea?" Jennie still aggrieved.

Taehyung bit her earlobe, then pushes the tip of his tongue and licks her ears, "Because I want to f*ck your three holes, the one on top and the two holes below, I want to f*ck....I want to fill it all..."

Jennie covers his mouth in shame, "You are not allowed to say that."

"It will feel good," Taehyung continues to entice her, "You just need to relax your *sshole and let me f*ck you, okay?"

Jennie couldn't stand the gentle offensive and she nodded, then she is pressed onto the desk by Taehyung, and Taehyung's three fingers began to keep coming and going out of her little*sshole.

"Ohhh~ ah ~ ah ~" Jennie's mouth sent out a sweet moan.

Taehyung also inserted the fourth finger successfully, then he pressed his big d*ck to the prepared *sshole to enter.

"Jen, I'm going to f*ck you." Taehyung warns her."Ah!" Jennie only felt that a white light flashed in front of her eye, and when she reacted again, the thick c*ck had already filled her *sshole.

Because the expansion is sufficient, Jennie didn't feel much pain when Taehyung enters her. Instead...

She looks back at Taehyung with watery eyes, "You move, move..."

She wants more of him.

The shallow part of her *sshole has just been taken care of Taehyung's fingers, but there is nothing inside.

She is itchy inside.

"Ah! Ah~" before Jennie can finish what she is saying, Taehyung began to move.

At first, he was slowly f*cking her, eventually his speed became faster and more vigorous.

"Slower....Ah~ Tae...don't you, don't be so fast~" Jennie keeps begging.

"Is it good? Is the little *sshole being f*cked by me, feels good?" Taehyung asks.

"Um..." Jennie can't form a word.

"Why are you not answering me?" Taehyung f*cks her *sshole a few more times and grabs her butt cheeks and then on her white and tender butt cheeks, he spanks her hard, "Jen answer me! Is my big c*ck f*cking you feels good?" "Yes, its so good.... ah ~ too deep, Tae....um, pull out a little, pull out a little..." Jennie answers and then begs.

Taehyung pulls his c*ck out a bit when he heard her begging, but he did not stop instead he went deeper and f*cks her more fiercely.

"Ah~" Jennie was still able to resist at first, but after being f*cked deeply in her *sshole, she tasted a different pleasure. She could only sway her *ss to collaborate with Taehyung's rhythm.

This time, Taehyung climaxed first.

When he climax first, he did not pull out his c*ck, instead he buries his c*ck in Jennie's *sshole and ejaculated deep in her intestines.

And Jennie being filled by a large amount of s*men, also contracted her *sshole to a climax.

✔I Want To F*** You [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now