The Sorcerer's Stone {2}

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A solemn melody plays. It is nighttime and many brick houses can be seen going down in a row. A owl can be seen sitting on a sign 'Privet Drive'. As the owl flies away to rest on a lamp post, a tall man with a white long beard, wearing third quarter shaped glasses on his crooked nose and what seems like wizard robes.

"Where are you Professor Dumbledore?" Peter asked the headmaster.

"I would not know, Mister Pettigrew, as it is the future" The Headmaster replied, making the boy's face turn red with embarrassment.

Ablus Dumbledore then walked past a very familiar tubby cat-

"Minnie!" The marauders shouted with big smiles set across their faces.

"I would very much appreciate it, if you stopped calling me that" Professor McGonagall said, trying to hide a small smile from gracing her lips.

The wizard then took out some kind of device and held it up, with one click the light from all the lamp posts flew out towards the device, as the street went dark.

"I knew it"

The cat shifted to its true form, a tall women wearing emerald robes and a pointy wizard hat. She wore a pair of glasses on the edge of her nose and her hair was in a neat bun.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore," The tall women greeted. The pair walked down the road together. "Are the rumors true, Albus"

"I'm afraid so Professor, the good and the bad"

"What rumors" Many questioned.

"And the boy?" Professor McGonagall questioned once again.

"Hagrid is bringing him" Professor Dumbledore replied.

"Bringing who?" Mary Macdonald asked.

"Do you think it is wise to trust Hagrid with something important as this?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"I trust Hagrid with my life"

Causing Hagrid blush at the man's words.

Suddenly a engine whining was heard. Bright lights shone in their direction, blinding them. As the noise got closer, a fairly big figure is seen sitting on a motorcycle. The first tire hit the road as the other followed, the big figure switched the head lights off.

"I want one please, please, please" Sirius turned to the only mother figure he knew.

"No" Euphemia told him before turning back to movie.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir," Hagrid greeted. "Professor McGonagall"


"No problems I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore questioned.

"No, sir, the little tyke fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol" The giant reassured.

"Try not to wake him" He handed the little bundled up blanket to him.

"Awww" Many younger girls and mothers cooed, at the baby.

"He's so cute" Lily gushed.

"Albus, do you really think it is safe, leaving him with these people?" McGonagall questioned one again."I've watched them all day, they are the worst sort of muggle imaginable. They really are..." The woman trailed off a bit.

"It's the only family he has..." Dumbledore explained.

They stopped outside one of the houses which had 4 Privet Drive.

"This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who wouldn't know his name"  McGonagall said.

"Exactly, he's better off growing up away from all that," Dumbledore place the baby on the doorstep. "Until he is ready"

"YOU LEFT HIM ON A DOORSTEP?!?" Euphemia exclaimed.

"IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!?" Molly screamed, furiously.

Hagrid sniffled and sobbed.

"Shh, you will wake the muggles!" McGonagall whisper-shouts to Hagrid.

"There, there, Hagrid," Professor Dumbledore comforted. "It's not really goodbye, after all"

Hagrid nodded as Dumbledore took out a letter and placed it on top of the baby.

"Good luck, Harry Potter"

"If this is the future, is that my son?" James asked.

"If so who is the mother?" Sirius questioned as well.

A close up of a lighting-bolt shaped scar is seen on his forehead, it started glowing. A stormy cloudy sky replaces the previous scene and a writing in metallic gold letters appeared.

'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone'

Lighting flashes brightening up the whole screen.


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