26. 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝑰 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔?

378 16 0

---Y/n's Perspective---

I entered inside the house with Jungkook who is already smiling like there is no tomorrow, he looks so cute while smiling and please smile like this always.

I get welcomed by Jimin oppa's mom. We both shared a tight hug after greetings aunty, "Oh! Y/n dear, come in."

I nodded and we walks inside the house which is already filled up with some other relatives and Jungkook's friends, he straight walks towards his friend side and start talking having some snacks.

I am standing silently looking at everyone when someone called me from back, "Y/n, what are you doing here? Alone?"

Jimin oppa asked with a smile on his face and a plate of snacks in his hands, I rose my eyebrow up and asked, "Umm, doing nothing but oppa for whom this snacks is? Are you planing to drink?"

He flashed a weird smile and I understand snatching the plate from his hand and twisting his ear, I said, "Oppa, if unnie got to know she will feel bad."

"Hey, it's not for me. I don't drink now, it's for Jungkook.", My mouth wide open and I pouted handing him the plate again, "Where is unnie?"

"In her room.", he replied with bored expression, he left rolling his eyes, "Idiot girl, didn't even listen me."

"I heard it.", I looked at his face and he quickly run with his eye smile on his face, I walk towards unnie's room, she is already lying down on bed.

"Nayen unnie, how are you?", I asked cheerfully, she smiled and sit down on bed smiling, the little baby boy is lying down beside her on the bed.

"Y/n, I am fine, what about you?", she said pinching my cheeks, "Aw! He is so cute. What is his name?"

"We didn't thought a name for him, we were waiting for you.", I looked at her with confused look, and seeing it she replied, "In my family, aunty always give a name, you're Jimin's sister so do it."

"Really? me?", I asked totally excited and she nodded up a smile, I held him in my arms and after think for a while I whispered a name, "Ji-han?"

She smiled in response, "Nice name."

I smiled back at her, suddenly my phone rang which showed Jungkook's caller ID, I place Ji-han back on the bed and answered his call, when unnie singled me to turn on the speaker.

"Where the hell are you? Y/n! Did you took your medicine?", He asked in a worried yet angry voice, unnie laughed and I replied, "Shut up, Jungkook. I am with unnie, and I will take my medicines. Okay?"

I heard him sighing and he whispered, "Take care."

I hummed and cut the call placing my phone on side, unnie lean her back on the headboard and asked, "Don't you love him?"

Her words made me go silent for a while and she again spoken making me widen my eyes, "You're silent, it means you do."

I stayed silent and stared at her face, she chuckled and softly said, "Why don't you confess?"

"Should I confress?", I asked to my innerself, I don't know what I feel but whatever I feel for him wasn't normal, I get jealous, being possessive, and a child with him, and he never refused to take care of me.

"You should confress. Y/n!", unnie said squeezing my hand and I am still in my thoughts thinking what to do.

"What if he don't love me? I don't want our friendship to became weird.", I replied looking at her face with blank expression, she smiled and said, "I am the one who confressed to Jimin and he one day fell for me."

I nodded and stand up from my seat, she too stand up going towards the door with Ji-Han in her arms sleeping peacefully tugged in a warm baby blanket, she looked and me and asked, "Let's go, Y/n."

I nodded and walked behind her closing her room's door behind us, we both walked in the hall, everyone is already busy whike chitchating like a fish market, Jimin oppa quickly approached us and take Ji-Han from unnie's arms.

"Aww! My baby.", Oppa said pinching his cheeks softly and asked, "What you naked him? Y/n."

"Ji-Han.", I replied and he called his name softly trying to wake him up when unnie smacked his head saying, "He just slept, if he cried I am gonna kill you."

I laughed at both of them, oppa whispered something in her ear and they both laughed. They are really an idol couple. Oppa told me to follow him and I followed him silently.

"Don't tell me that Jungkook is drunk.", He laughed and continued to walk towards the dinning hall, i sit down with unnie, "Um, in a while the ceremony will start."

"Okay.", I mumbbled totally bored, while I was busy in playing with sleeping Ji-Han and waiting for the ceremony to start, it will be good if everything will go fine.

Author's Note:

Hm, so as I promised. I am here with new update. Check out my new stories too, i hope you all will like it.

Thank you for 6k reads and I can't believed we completed 6k reads.

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