Chapter 2 Part 3: Disassembly Drones

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J and V would go for L while N goes for Uzi. N would dash at Uzi trying to stab her is her chest best Uzi would block it with her sword but since Uzi compared to N's physical strength is much lower Uzi would be knocked back but she wouldn't be injured. Uzi would pull out the railgun L gave her and aim it at N but N would be smarter this time and would fly around Uzi in an unpredictable way.

Uzi would try to shoot N but she missed and N would try to kill her with his laser but Uzi would just be able to dodge in time and she would try to shoot him again but would miss again. N would use the opportunity to fly at full speed and try to stab her and Uzi would pull out her high frequency sword to block it but instead of trying to stab Uzi with his blade he would use his tail and stab Uzi's hand that's holding her sword causing her to drop it and N would stab her right through her chest. 

To L Vs V and J

L would fire a sniper he made at V but she would catch the bullet and fire her laser but L would dodge. J would fly behind him turning her hand into a drill trying to drill L at the back of his head but using his tail L would slice off J's hand causing her to land and regenerate her hand. V would land beside J and would have a theory on how to beat him "Hey J I think I might know his weak spot." "well spit it out." "That blue thing on his chest might be his heart or core so if we destroy it we could kill him." "That actually sounds like a good idea. I'm surprised you came up with that."

The 2 drones would now be fighting more aggressively trying to create an opening for one of them to damage his core. Most of their attacks aren't doing much. L  would be blocking, parrying or tanking all of their hits but L would see N stab Uzi and pin her to the ground and would get ready to finish her off "I'm sorry Uzi." N would apologize and would try to decapitate her but L would shoot N with a laser putting a hole through his head causing him to be stunned and Uzi would use this opportunity to pull out L's railgun "Bite me!" Uzi would shout before firing the railgun and destroy N's head like she did last time, making N go offline for a bit and causing the railgun to glitch and disappear "I got to ask him about whatever that is". L shooting N left him open and both V and J would stab him in his core injecting the nanites.

"FINALLY" both would scream. The amount of nanites that was injected into L is enough to dissolve an entire worker drone in a few seconds but to the drone's confusions nothing was happening "Why aren't you dissolving." J would say confused. "Same reason why you guys don't." "No you got to be fucking kidding me." V would say in disbelief "You can regenerate just like us can't you." V would say in a shocked tone

"That's right my process is faster and more efficient though." L would punch V in the face this time putting a hole through her entire head. V would fall to the ground and would regenerate the damage but she would be offline and L would do the exact same thing to J causing her to regenerate her damage but be offline. "Finally we did it!" L would look over to Uzi to see her stab wound and would immediately go over to heal her "UZI!"

"Hey L can you help me out here."

L would put his tail over Uzi's wound and from the syringe a blue liquid would pour onto her wound healing it fully in 5 seconds.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel better than ever! What did you put on me?"

"It's nanites but these heal instead of dissolving."

"If only we had this back then." Uzi would be thinking

"Uzi you good?" L would ask

"Nothing I'm fine also thanks for you know saving me."

"No problem."

L would go to chain the 3 D-drones they have just defeated and chain them up in a singular chain "You sure that's gonna work they broke out last time" "It will with this." "With what it's just an ordinary chain." "Uzi this chain I modified it so that if they try to escape it will send an emp wave through their body and yes it does hurt which is why I avoid doing it but you gotta do what you go to do."

Uzi would be surprised at just how many things L has he can use and would ask him an important question that she needs to know "Hey L what is that shield thing you use that created all those weapons?"

L would sit there for a second contemplating if he should tell her. "Uzi trust me you don't want to know." "Why." "I just don't think it's a good time to tell you or anyone about it." "Fine whatever." Uzi would say a bit annoyed that she couldn't get an answer "Anyways what are we going to do with those 3." Uzi would ask L "I don't know. Do you have a place we can stay and plan out what we do next?" "I do but that's where my colony is and I don't want them breaking out and going on a killing spree." "Don't worry they won't remember if they try to break out they get shocked"
"Ugh alright fine then." "Alrighty then let's get going."

Note: Next chapter I don't plan on dividing it into parts though there might be a chance that it does and I'll only divide it if it is to long of a chapter. With J alive next chapter won't cover episode 2 (since there is no eldritch J) but it will skip to episode 3 with some additional content.

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