🌶️Chapter 10 | Focus

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They came back to his house when the sky was already dark. Alexander gave the girl a blanket and made some food. She followed his every move when he prepared it from the sofa in the living room.

"Here" the man gave her a cup of tea and a plate of scrambled eggs with chives. It smelled good and was warm. Great! He sat down on her right and put his plate on the coffee table. He then took off his hoodie and his t-shirt. The man leaned back on the sofa comfortably. His naked chest moved slowly up and down as he breathed. Casmid closed his eyes and his muscles relaxed. That's when Mary looked closer at his torso. He was slim. Not masculine, but his muscles were visible. His stomach was almost flat. Not fully, mostly due to ageing, but it was impressive he was in such good shape at almost fifty years old. She then focused on his hands. The girl never noticed how veiny they were. Mary looked up to his arms covered in light body hair. She couldn't resist and touched his shoulder out of curiosity. His muscles were hard.

"I have a feeling that you want to eat something different than scrambled eggs' Casmid joked. "Am I right, pumpkin?"

The girl blushed hard and turned away from him. She took her plate and continued eating. The man did the same, but still looked at her with a wild smile. Like the way a tiger looks at his victims before he kills and eats them. When she was done with her portion Alexander wrapped his arms around her waist and got closer to her ear.

"Do you want to take a bath?" He whispered. "I can prepare it for you."

"Yes please" she turned to him and kissed the tip of his nose.

Casmid got up and went upstairs. Mary laid down on the sofa and covered herself with a blanket. After what felt like forever he finally came back. He handed her another t-shirt of his. It was black with a white stripe from armpit to armpit. Oh, how hot he must look in it!

"Go to the bathroom" he ordered. "I'll clean. I left everything you need in the same place as the last time."

The girl quickly got up and walked upstairs. Inside the bathroom she noticed a bathtub full of water and bubbles. Alexander even sprinkled some rose petals in there. She looked around and noticed big candles burning on the floor around the room. There was also something standing at the counter that wasn't there before. A pack of condoms. The girl got suspicious. If he was single then what he needed condoms for? Mary tied her hair up in a messy bun and took off her shirt. She then did the same with her bra. Suddenly the door opened and Casmid walked in. The girl quickly covered her boobs with her arms.

"Do you like it?" He asked and scanned her body from head to toe.

Mary nodded.

"Can you knock the next time? What if you saw me naked?"

"It doesn't seem like a big deal to me" he walked up to the counter and applied some lotion on his hands.

"Can you please leave now, professor? My arms are going numb" she asked.

He sighed.

"If you call me 'professor' one more time it'll end up bad for you. I have a name so use it" after that being said the man left and closed the door behind him. Mary quickly undressed and sat down in the bathtub. It was pretty big and in the shape of a triangle so it could probably fit two people. What if Alexander wants to join her? 🌶️The thought of him naked in the same bathtub as her was working magically wrong on her imagination. Her body was fully submerged in water and covered with bubbles. What if he wanted to touch her? He wouldn't see her but would definitely feel her. The girl touched her boobs underwater carefully so as not to uncover her body. Her nipples were hard and the water was hot. Hot like the man who prepared this bath. Her hand moved slowly towards her pussy. It stopped next to her hole. Mary wasn't pleasuring herself too often. To be honest she did it maybe once or twice every two months. She knew how to do it, but never had anything to turn her on as much as the thought about Casmid taking a bath with her. Maybe she shouldn't do this now, but she had to. Her middle finger slid into her vagina. She held her breath and made slow and gentle moves. It was good. She made sure nothing was visible from above and increased the speed a little. It was really good. If you want to do something well then do it yourself. She increased the speed again. 🌶️ She suddenly heard a knock. Alexander went inside so she stopped fingering herself.

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