seeProlog: the beginning of the end

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Hi I'm leoiny and I've lived to the young age of 34, my story is a long and at some point and time it will get boring so if you don't like if well your out of luck because it all started when I was born my mother left my sisters and brother too watch me so she could go preforme shows and concerts arounaround the world to make money for the family.
And as for me I was the only child born with no legs ,I know crazy birth defect right but that doesn't stop me from swimming , playing table tennis , basketball, long bording, hell I can play football and oh yea suprizing without my wheel chair I'm on the track team, you learn to run with your hands and do hand stands very well without legs. Peggy my best friend has almost the same defect As me but she has legs not arms so we are the prefect partners in crime until she died trying to save me from drowning at the pool because of some jerk that pushed me in.
My Mom Marilyn Monroe ,yea she my mom but don't get all antsie about it she's never home she's always out doing photo shoots and making albums so we can have food on the table , cloths on our backs, shoes on our feet, a roof over our heads and a bed's too sleep in at nite. My sisster Layla whent to this place called the snake shake to make money for everyone to get the stuff they wanted but ive been saving up so far I think I....wait a second while I go count...1...2..5......98...400 ............450....509....599....I have about 625 dollars saved up so far, I'm saving mine for mothers day so I can buy mommy that beautiful white flowing dress she's been wanting for a long while now. I can't wait to supris her with this since Layla started working.
My brother Alfie watched me at home and made sure nothing bad happens too me or our pets Danyela , Roseanne, smiley and doner, he was a great protector of us a d our family, he dose his job very well as the gaurd "dog" of the family. Our neighbors Derej and Cobalt tack us up to Idaho to go swim in the snake river or some sort of thing like that.When my mom was 34 she had my younger sister Iria Rose , I am the o e that practically raised her so I had to grow up faster then I wanted to because my father Dannial wellings sat and layed around in bed all day while I did everyone's choirs around the the house including mine and my Dad's.
My Mom had taken pills among pills months after I had bought her the beautiful flowing dress.I'm sad to say that now I must go for I have to help with choirs around the house because no one else will

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