~ ' Prologue ' ~

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1989, Miami Florida.
Even in the middle of Spring nothing could stop the heat beating down on the streets just as hard as the bullets of warm rain.
The air conditioning in the building did little to help, The noise didn't help either. How long had I been standing here? Hours it felt. The Phone Hom building was empty, well, Almost empty. Every table was devoid of customers aside from the one you were standing in, listening to the clicking keyboard from the worker, *'Jason'* was written on the bronze name tag sitting on the light blue button up, you'd read the name a thousand times over by this point.

"Thank you for waiting, we're almost there." He said periodically, just enough to break up the monotony of standing in line. At this point you could've just dealt with the calls being put through your phone, you weren't sure who they were from. Probably some kid sitting in his parents basement leaving creepy messages just for kicks. Now that you thought about it, you weren't too sure why you went to the phone company. They couldn't do anything about the senseless messages asking you to 'clean up' a certain building, Neither could you go to the police. No threat had been made, it was just..a stupid prank call. Annoying as it was there was really nothing to be done besides standing in line just so you could be told 'Im sorry, there's nothing we can do.'
The buzzing from the florescent lights and the air conditioner would soon be broken up by the high pitched *ding.* From the front door opening.

With no more than a glance back you could tell it was a man, dressed in..surprisingly warm clothes for Spring, it was rainy sure, but it was the warm kinda rain. No need for a heavy Varsity coat. As usual, it was silent aside from the heavy steps of the man walking - No doubt leaving a trail of rain water and mud behind him. Shivers almost instantly shot up your back as the broad presence approached, standing behind you. Out of *all* the empty tills he *had* to come here? There was no reason for him to. Though the situation was undoubtedly uncomfortable you didn't acknowledge him. He occasionally shuffled or moved, remaining quiet as you did. A slight sigh escaping you as you found something else to stare at, a small vase of Crocuses sitting on the desk, colored in whites, reds and a couple pinks. It was really the only piece of color in the otherwise monochrome building. They must've just bloomed judging by the vibrancy of the petals being held up by thick green stems, resting in green tinted water.

"I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do to help," the man behind the desk spoke, what was it again? Jason. Right, the name was basically engraved in your mind like it was on the bronze. "Most we can do is recommend to just ignore the calls. They'll stop eventually."

"Right, Thank you." You responded, stepping away from the desk before he could offer something else, like a new service plan for 'better, high quality calls' for another 'only 20$ more'.
You stepped away from the desk, heading towards the glass door, cold and covered in the droplets of rain sliding down the other side. The sound of the mans steps moving forward was loud, almost as loud as the rain.
"Hello, welcome to Phone Hom, how can we help you today?"
The workers question was met with silence.
Whatever his problem was, you decided not to stick around and find out, leaving out the glass door and into the pouring streets of Miami adorned in newspapers left out to accompany forgotten missing papers left to soak in the rain..

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