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It hurts.....

Even if Jennie was psychologically prepared, she could not help but cry.

"Does it hurt?" Taehyung kiss the side of her ears, he looks gentle.

Jennie thought that she found salvation, so she wraps her arms around him and starts begging, "It hurts...it hurts...ah!!!"

Instead of Taehyung giving her reprieve, he withdrew his c*ck form her p*ssy and then brutally slammed in again, "So Jen will you always remember even me if I hurt you."

"Ah!!!" Taehyung's domineering and unreasonable action made Jennie instantly think of the scene where she was f*cked for the first time, the experience was memorable and not in a good way. It was terrible.

"Woo..." Taehyung continued to violently enters her.

It really hurts.

Is it possible that her first time experience in reality will be the same as the one in her dream, with only pain and no pleasure at all?

She doesn't want this.

"Ah...no..." Jennie did not know what Taehyung is thinking by torturing her like this, but she believes that Taehyung would listen to her.

So she tried to put her arms around Taehyung's neck and then held his face up to kiss him, her voice is soft and gentle, "Tae, you are hurting me. How about stopping for a moment?"

Taehyung's frantic expression started to fade away, he looks at the beautiful face full of pain, then stops.

"Jen.." he whispered.

"I love your c*ck on my p*ssy, I have always been willing to give it to you...but if you continue like this, I will be broken by your c*ck..." Jennie endured the pain, breathing slowly then continues to coax, "If it breaks, how can I give it to you next time?"

After saying this, Jennie clearly felt the c*ck in her c*nt softens a little bit.

"Um..." Taehyung has finally calm down, he could not bear Jennie's pain anymore. He presses Jennie's waist and wants to step back and pull out his c*ck.

"Don't...um~" when Jennie felt the big c*ck is about to leave her p*ssy, she rushed to say.

"Don't..." Jennie jumps and hugs Taehyung's waist.

"Hey," Taehyung was clamped by her p*ssy, he explains, "I will put it out first, then I will expand it for you."

"Don't...your c*ck has entered my p*ssy...as long as you give me time to adapt, don't, just don't f*ck me as hard as before..." Jennie is a little embarrassed to say this
It was as if she is an experience woman, seducing an innocent senior to have s*x.

But this is clearly her first time in reality, even if they have done it many times in her dreams, it was all with Taehyung...

"Hmm..." Jennie could not think of anything else because Taehyung kissed her.

The kiss is still domineering and overwhelming, but there is a gentleness in it. Taehyung's hand is in her p*ssy, pinching her fragile flower core below her.

"Hmmm...hmm..." Jennie moans.

"Is it better?" Taehyung press his lips to her.

Jennie nods her head, then took the initiative to cling to him and gently whispers in his ears, "Um~ah~ you...you can move now..."

Her p*ssy has adapted to Taehyung's thick c*ck, and under the double stimulation on her p*ssy, her lewd water starts flowing. Her juices has coated and lubricated Taehyung's c*ck.

Taehyung grunted and then started to move his c*ck slowly.

"Ahhhh~" Jennie whines, "ohhh..."

Taehyung did not dare to move faster because he is afraid of hurting Jennie, but she is no longer satisfied with the slow movement. She wraps her legs around Taehyung's waist and panting for joy, "Hurry up~ Tae...hurry up...Ah~" Taehyung finally increases his speed as she wishes. The sound of "papapa..papapapa" kept resounding in the room. After a while, Jennie's p*ssy, who finally experience being filled by a c*ck climaxes.

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