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Letting other people change her clothes isn't the only odd thing Lisa's done since she's opened her eyes. As the news of her, finally waking up from the coma broke in the country, a lot of people have come to visit her, and one of them is Bae Irene.

Jennie is in the bathroom when it happens, she's drying her hand with a paper towel as she walks out and suddenly gets the glimpse of Irene occupying her spot in the armchair, talking to Lisa. She expects Lisa's panicked expression, but as she move closer with anger boiling up her body, she sees her lover talking to the older Korean woman calmly, as if Irene isn't one of her greatest nightmares.

That's when she knows things aren't as good as they look, that no matter how she wants to sugar-coat them, it's not as good as it looks.

She excuses herself quick and marches towards Dr. Lee's office, gets inside without knocking. Luckily, he's not seeing any patients when she intrudes his rest time.

"Dr. Lee!!!"

He puts down the steaming mug he's holding and looks at Jennie.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Kim? I thought you should be with your patient now."

"I am! I was..." Jennie is afraid to tell him what she saw, but eventually, she has to face the reality. "Why is she like this?"

"Like what?" Dr. Lee looks at her, puzzled.

"She's... she's changed! She lets people touch het and change her clothes her when I clearly remember how long it took for her to get comfortable enough to let me touch her! She's... she's smiling at Irene Bae!!!"

"Sometimes people change after big accidents, Ms. Kim. It's not odd by any chance."

"SHE HATES IRENE BAE!" Jennie screams, making the doctor flinch.

"What do you mean?" He asks, now looking suspicious.

"Irene... hurt her, okay? Like... like so bad. She's scared of her! But now they're chatting as if they're a couple of best friends."

It takes a few seconds for him to react, and when he does, Jennie doesn't like it at all.

"Ms. Kim, I think we need to run a few tests on her again," He gets some papers from a file. "This time, with a Neurologist."


Jennie almost kicks Irene out of Lisa's room, she can't believe how much she despises the girl she'd once called her friend. It bugs her, the way Irene behaves like she doesn't know what she's done to Lisa, how she's scarred her for life.

She pushes Lisa's wheelchair, and they go to the lab again, Lisa isn't sure what they are doing in there again, last time they told her that her body's just fine and they just need her to stay for a couple more nights to make sure of everything before releasing her, there wasn't supposed to be another session of running tests on her. Jennie sees the confusion in the girl's eyes, but she doesn't talk since Lisa asks nothing as they just go to where the neurologist is waiting for them.

The middle-aged woman, who introduces herself as Dr. Song, is sitting in an armchair, waiting for Lisa to arrive. Jennie helps Lisa get comfortable in her own chair and since there're only two armchairs, she settles for a stool just to stay close to the Thai, of course, with the doctor's permission.

As the neurologist wants to make sure of things, she starts asking questions, first, starting with simple ones, questions like "where'd you born?" or "What d'you do for a living?", and Lisa answers them all easily, without even taking a second to answer. "Buriram", "I'm a model and a dancer." She says the last word proudly.

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