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━───────⊹⊱✙⊰⊹───────━"So, how was jail?" Kashvi asked, leaning against the counter

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"So, how was jail?" Kashvi asked, leaning against the counter. 

I groaned and covered my face with my hands, looking at her through the gaps in my fingers. "How did you find out?" 

She laughed and shook her head, standing back up and placing her hands against her hips. "I know everything, babe," 

She began walking away and turned her head to look at me, "Help Justine out with the tables, will you? It's a full house out there." 

I nodded and began walking to the dinette, pulling the small notepad out of the pocket of my shirt and approaching an empty table. Leon was not fond of spending much money, even if it was necessary, so we were understaffed a majority of the time. That was also the reason the cafe hadn't been redesigned or redecorated in decades, and the reason we don't have bussers is because they get paid criminally low. Like, criminally low. Still, it didn't bother us enough to complain and the only way someone would get hired to work here is if Mateo asked Leon to.

The only person on the waitstaff was an older woman named Justine, who had worked for the cafe since the 1970s, and the amount of work was taking a toll on her mentally and physically, so I helped out whenever I could. Kashvi and Leanna both brought the issue to Leon's attention, but he always said the same two phrases in response. "This generation doesn't want to work anymore," And, "Quit complaining and get back to work!" 

Of course I would prefer to work in an environment where I wouldn't have to communicate with strangers, but it broke my heart to see Justine suffering. So, I bit my tongue and took the orders and seated the customers. At first, I walked around, checking the tables, seeing who might need help. "Waitress? Is anyone going to take my order?" 

I whipped my head around to look at the older man who sat at the small table with his hand raised. I immediately rushed over to him with a small smile, but I had no idea that someone else had followed me over there. 

I began speaking when I was cut off by a cold grip on my shoulder from behind. "I'm so sorry about that, what can I get started for you-"

My eyes widened and I looked behind me at Mateo who stood with one hand on his hip and one hand on my shoulder. I looked at his hand, and then back at him, and he gave me a sarcastic smile. "Kashvi wants to talk to you in the walk-in." 

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked down, "Why on earth would she want to talk to me in the freezer?" I murmured. 

I was cut off once more by him pushing me towards the kitchen, and I squealed in surprise as he handled me. I heard the man call after us again, and Mateo responded with a rude "Just wait!" 

He pushed me from the back until we reached the door of the freezer, gaining weird looks from the cooks. "Hey, wait!" I exclaimed, before he opened the door and pushed me inside. Once we were in, he pushed me against the wall and placed his hand on the wall above my head. I could only look up at him with a surprised, confused expression. 

"So, I heard you went to jail, huh?" He muttered, looking down at me. My expression changed to one of annoyance, 'How quickly do rumors circulate around here?' I thought. 

"Well-" I began, but he cut me off once more. 

"Are you some kind of 'bad girl' now?" 

"Not really, I just-" I stammered, and was cut off again. It was starting to really piss me off. 

"A pretty little thing like you doesn't belong in jail," He commented, crouching down slightly to begin kissing the side of my neck. 

My face immediately turned a bright shade of red and I gasped softly, leaning away from him, "Wh-What are you doing..?" 

He smirked against my skin and I could feel his warm breath against the soft spot on my neck, "I'm keeping you warm, It's cold in here." 

I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help but lean into him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and bending my neck over to give him more access. "We shouldn't be doing this," I whimpered, shutting my eyes tightly. 

"Stop talking so much." He pressed against me, and I could feel his bulge against my stomach. Suddenly, I heard someone struggle to open the door, and he nearly jumped off of me. I gulped and adjusted myself, stepping away from him. 

The door finally opened and there stood Kashvi. "What's going on here?" She asked, her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Just giving your little employee here a pep-talk. Her job is so draining," He mocked, patting my back roughly. Kashvi took note of my flustered expression and messy hair, and her eyes narrowed even more. 

"Did he do anything to you?" She asked, crossing her arms and looking at me. 

I shook my head rapidly, pushing past her slowly to get out of the freezer. She followed and closed the door, leaving Mateo there.

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