𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 5- 𝓳𝓸𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓷𝓭

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A/n: I know that they saw their dad at the wedding before Billy met Camila but I fucked up the time line because I forgot to write about the wedding scene 😔
P.s this is a long chapter it's super cute 😛but a few of the paragraphs are fillers 🥴

The band became something real last week after Billy and Graham had seen their father at a wedding the boys had a gig at and when all that happened it wasn't a just a side hustle anymore it was real. Brianna and Warren had been a lot closer now that they'd confessed their love to each other. The band thought it was nice that they had finally gotten together, but after a point they all got annoyed with how touchy and lovey they had been with each other constantly.


Camila Alvarez/Dunne: I didn't mind that they were lovey dovey all the time I just thought it was cute. Y'know Brianna came to my house the night it happened and we were up all night talking about it. I was so happy for her.

Brianna: the band had become very fed up with us but we didn't care we were just happy to be with each other. *laughs*


Brianna and Warren were in the back of Warren's van making out when he pulled away with a popping noise "what?" Brianna asked looking up at Warren "sorry baby, we gotta go pick up the rest of the band and go to Chuck's place for practice."  Warren stated reluctantly getting up from atop of Brianna  "yeah, alright." Brianna said and the climbed into the passenger seat.

Warren picked everyone up and as Brianna was talking to them she couldn't help but notice they wouldn't stop giggling "what? What? What?" Brianna asked and Camila chuckled as she handed Brianna the compact mirror from her purse. Brianna opened the compact mirror reluctantly and looked at herself to see her nude pink lipstick was everywhere but her lips as a result of her previous make out session with Warren. "Oh." was all she said as she grabbed the handkerchief out of her purse and wiped the lipstick off of her face. "Are you not at least a little ashamed?" Eddie asked "I mean we know you were just in here eating Warren's face." He laughed rather hard and then waited for Brianna's answer "no I don't give a damn!" Brianna laughed as she applied the lipstick that had disappeared.

The band had gotten to Chuck's house and he was sat on the steps that led to his back porch with a solemn look plastered on his face "hey Chuck! Why's the garage door closed?" Billy asked confused. Chuck sighed "look man there's no easy way to say this so I'm just gonna say it... I got in to college." Chuck said picking at his finger nails "a-alright" Warren said, his voice barely above a whisper "we didn't even know you applied." Eddie said with a scoff  "was this before or after I spent all my money on this van?" Warren asked with an awkward smile. "Chuck you can't do this not now not when things are starting to happen." Billy said with a desperate twang to his voice "what's starting to happen Billy?" Chuck asked standing up from his stairs "we're opening for the winters on Thursday this is a huge deal!" Billy said grabbing Chuck's shoulders "whatever, you guys are all out of your fucking minds." Chuck said walking up his stairs.
"Great Cardigan Chuck... Very dentist like." Warren said as he lit a cigarette, which made Brianna laugh. "Can I get one of those?" Brianna asked and of course Warren graciously handed her a cigarette with a huge smile on his face. Warren and Brianna were wrapped up into their own conversation about what the band was gonna do when they heard Billy speak up "uhh Eddie switch to base." Billy said rubbing his temples "heh no." Eddie laughed until he realized he wasn't joking "for how long?" Eddie asked with a sigh "thanks man I owe you one." Billy said slapping his chest. "And um Bee how about you play guitar?" He asked walking towards her "haven't we been going over this for years? I can't be in a band my dad would be upset." She said crossing her arms in front of her chest,"Bee I love you baby but you gotta stop caring about what your dad thinks or what he's gonna tell the ass holes at the country club." Warren said taking Brianna's face in his hands. Brianna sighed "fuck it." she said and watched everyone around her erupt into cheers.

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