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Taehyung is too fierce.

Jennie look at Taehyung's body, his figure is quite exceptional, even the c*ck under his crotch is very superior, the size is far beyond the ordinary.

Not to mention that his waist is still strong, his c*ck seem to be an electric pile driver, that when it is exerted, it is so powerful and the frequency is strong and there is no tendency to stop,

Jennie has to admit that she would be very lucky in the future with such a boyfriend. But this time, since it is her first time in reality, she really could not bear such a deadly weapon.

So Jennie fainted.

Taehyung is still in the throes of passion, that he didn't see lisa's response. He finally calms down and pulls his c*ck out and laughs lowly.

"Jen..." he strokes Jennie's cheek, with obvious happiness inside his eyes.

"I finally... got you..." he leans over and kisses Jennie's face, from the forehead to the eyelids, to the bridge of her nose and then to her beautiful lips.

"Jen..." he whispers her name softly, then pries open her lips and teeth with his tongue, and sent his tongue to entangle her."Hmm..." Jennie already fainted at this moment, she could not respond like before and could only make a vague nasal sound but Taehyung is still satisfied.

In fact, this is not the first time he kisses Jenniw when she was unconscious.

The earliest time was in her freshman years.

At that time, he was a junior in high school, and Jennie was a freshman. The reason was Gu Xiao's unruly classmate she brought home. Gu Xiao's classmate that time rushes into him when he was not paying attention, which caused his a severe reaction.

He did not remember how long he spent his days on that painful time, he only remembers that in the end his mother took him to Jennie's city.

He was looking at the young girl while in the car, looking at her charming and beautiful face. Suddenly his heart moves, and found that he had developed strange feeling for her.

Then his mother ask, "Do you want to see the child?"

He said, "I want to see her, but I don't want her to know."

His mother agreed and arranges everything.

That night, Jennie's father and step-mother respectfully welcomed him in, saying that Jennie was in her room and now asleep.He pushed open the door.

He sat on the bed and look at Jennie's sleeping face quietly. He watched her all night and then kisses her on the lips when the light first appeared.

Very soft.

Very sweet.

After returning home, Taehyung fell asleep. The Jennie in his dream was charming and gentle. She was sitting on him using her p*ssy to swallow his c*ck and her expression was intense passion.

He was shock at first, then he was happy.

When he got up in the morning, he was stunned.

He c*m in his sleep.

The nanny at home found out when he was cleaning up his room and told his parents about the incident. Both his parents were overjoyed.

Taehyung has never c*m before. Mr. Kim personally took him to see an AV and even bought him various magazines. He did not fluctuate or even felt sick. Mr. Kim was inevitably worried about his son's physical conditions.

It's finally all right now.When they ask him, he said it was because of Jennie. Now Mr. and Mrs. Kim wants to take Jennie over to cultivate relationship with Taehyung.

But he refused.

On one hand, Jennie is still too young and on the other hand he is not ready yet to face Jennie.

He couldn't face her.

How could he face her?

He likes her, yes, even for so many years he has been spying on Jennie's life remotely to keep himself alive, but Jennie has forgotten the secret experience of his childhood. Her mother said that he should never let Jennie remember those thing that happened when they were young.

The way to make Jennie forget forever is to never see her again. Taehyung understand this very well, but he could not control himself.

How could he control it?

He still influenced Jennie's willingness to came to his university, and then relied on Ji Xia to approach her again, holding her sleeping body in his arms time and time again.

Jennie's body, she has kisses everywhere, from her hair to her toes.

He has kissed her, but he did not know why, he has never got hard while kissing Jennie. Perhaps it was because Jennie didn't know anything about what he did, and he felt guilty subconsciously.

Maybe it was because of the psychological shadow left from his childhood. He still feels his p*nis, who was molested by that fat woman is dirty.

But Jennie hugged him and kissed him and cautiously sexually played with his dirty and ugly p*nis, she even shed tears and said that she likes it, and said she would never dislikes it. Said that she wanted him and said that she wants him to f*ck her.

Why shouldn't he wants to take possession of this wonderful woamn completely?

"Jen..." Taehyung hugs the fainted Jennie in his arms, kisses her, not knowing why he cried.

Jennie did not wake up, did not see his tears, but was held in his arms obediently snoring slightly and occasionally mumbling.

Taehyung took Jennie into the bathroom, put her in the round oversized bathtub, cleaned her up and applied medicine.

It seems that because he has finally f*cked Jennie, he doesn't have any psychological pressure anymore, he can get hard in front of a sleeping Jennie."Poor c*ck." Taehyung glance at his own c*ck, then look at Jennie's overly ravaged delicate c*nt.

"It's all swollen." as the cool medicine was applied, Jennie let out a contented sigh in her sleep.

Taehyung's eyes darkened again.

"Jen is also swollen by me, so I need to apply medicine," as he said this, he put two fingers in and scratched the still tight inner wall.

"Obviously, it has been so played for so long, why is Jen's little c*nt is still so tight, and has not loosen?" Taehyung wonders.

Jennie, who had fallen asleep, could not respond, but Taehyung didn't seem to need her response either.

He slowly and meticulously applied medicine to Jennie, and strokes her c*nt's fragile inner wall with his thinly callused fingers.

"It's out of reach, Jen, what should I do? What should I really do? Jen, how about I will apply medicine to you using my big c*ck, okay?" Taehyung suggested.

Jennie snorted again, like she is rejecting his idea.

But Taehyung evenly applied the ointment on his c*ck."Hey, you can't refuse, I can only reach inside you with my big c*ck," after he finished speaking, Taehyung's c*ck covered with the cooling ointment reached the mouth of Jennie's p*ssy and slowly enter.

"It's soft and warm, I have enter again...Hey, why are you biting so tightly....Jen, do you bite so much even when you are asleep?" Taehyung keeps on talking.

Jennie only felt that her body is being filled up again. This time, she can feel that the thing that enters is hot at the same time its cold.

What is happening?

"Ah~" Jennie's G-spot is brushed by the big c*ck, Jennie opens her eyes directly and saw Taehyung's c*ck entering her body.

"Ah ah ~ ~ how you ...." Jennie's tears fell, her voice is fragmented, she can not say a complete sentence.

Why is Taehyung like this?

He was still inside her when she fainted and now she is awake, he is still inside her.

He is too much.

But even so, her p*ssy is uncontrollaby getting wet again.

✔I Want To F*** You [Taennie Adaption]Where stories live. Discover now