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Third person pov

Jungkook entered the mansion being extremely exhausted. He saw his mother and sister iseul sitting in the living room. As soon as they saw him, shre-ya welcomed him inside.

"Come Jungkook, why are you this late. See the time, it's already 10. Go and fresh up, I will get your dinner ready" shre-ya said.

"Mom why aren't you and Iseul sleeping now, it's already late right? Why are you awake huh?" Jungkook asked.

"Waiting for you kookie, I can't sleep before seeing and feeding you. Now come on go fresh up and come"

"Did jimin ate mom?" Jungkook asked, Iseul on the other hand is afraid of the consequences when jungkook get to know what happened with jimin. Shre-ya just hummed. Jungkook nodded and walked upstairs to his room. When he entered the room he saw a figure lying on the bed being covered from top to bottom by heavy blankets.

"Is he asleep already?" Jungkook wondered, he wanted to check but doesn't want to distrub jimin's slumber. So he just headed to bathroom to take a cold shower. After few minutes he exited the bathroom in a comfortable outfit and went downstairs to the dinning table. There he saw shre-ya who is waiting for him.

"Come kookie sit down" shre-ya pulling a chair for jungkook as usual. As jungkook sat shre-ya start led to serve him.

"When did jimin come mom?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know when he came jungkook but just few hours ago he had his dinner" shre-ya replied.

"You all ate right?"

"Huh yes kookie"

After finishing his dinner jungkook went upstairs saying goodnight to his mother and sister sister. When he was on the way to his room on the corridor, hazel called him.

"Oppa" she called.

"Hey hazel, didn't you sleep?" Jungkook asked.

"I want to tell you something"


"Jimin didn't eat"

"What! But mom said he had his dinner just few hours back"

"They lied, actually what happened means...." Hazel told everything what happened to jimin to jungkook. Jungkook heart's dropped without wasting any time he ran towards his room and barged inside.

Jimin was lying in the same position as how he saw before. Jungkook went near the bed and removed the blanket slowly. That's when his eyes landed in jimin hands which was horribly burnt. Jungkook's body Shivered at the appearance, jimin's once delicate flower like hands is now looking like ghost's one. His hands upper skin was nowhere to be seen completely burnt. He upper skins all peeled off and the inner tissues are clearly visible. Blood is oozing out non-stop. The white mattress near his hands are crimson red from drained blood stains and new blood which is oozing now. Jimin's knuckles are drenched in his own blood. It's seems jimin didn't treat it and it was left as it is. Jungkook's whole world frozed, he could imagine how jimin would have throbbed in pain. Jungkook slowly moved towards jimin's legs and removed the blanket. His legs also was not in any less conditions. Jimin's petal like feet is now completely burnt. Fat tears rolled down in jungkook's cheeks.

Jungkook don't know what to do, so he immediately called his family doctor number and informed her about the situation. He asked her to come as soon as possible. Anxiety was increasing taking away jungkook's sanity.

Till the doctor arrives jungkook couldn't sit quietly and watch jimin who is lying flatly on the bed without any motion. So he went somewhere and came back with a herbal oil and a peacock feather in his hands. Jungkook went near the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. He carefully took jimin's burnt feet and placed on his laps, he looked at jimin but there was no response from the omega so jungkook continued.

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