Waking Up

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One by one, the teens woke up from their temporary slumber and found themselves in a small ward of sorts. It had cozy atmosphere and the sound of monitors beeping could be heard.

The four of them were in the same small room. Everything looked like a normal hospital ward. If not for the handcuffs cuffing each of their wrists to their beds, they would've mistook this place for a dream.

"Guys...?" Evelyn muttured weakly, calling out to her unconscious room buddies. She automatically tried to stand but that was when she saw the handcuffs.

One hand was free while the other was cuffed. A couple bandages wrapped around her left foot and arm. Though there were a lot more plasters on her body.

She frowned in worry. "Guys!! Wake up!!" Evelyn called out loudly.

"Oh shut up" Jennifer replied with a hushed cry from the corner of the room, clearly annoyed. She was the furthest from Evelyn, hence the hushed tone.

"Jen! You're awake." Evelyn said excitedly, trying to sit up. Her efforts proved their worth soon enough as she found a way to sit up in a way that her cuffed wrist is in a comfortable position.

"Girl, we've been awake two days ago. If not for our injuries, I think we wouldn't even be this calm at the moment." Cassandra answered sarcastically as she stared at the empty ceiling in boredom.

Then, the door slid open and a nurse accompanied by a cop, entered the ward with a trolley with food and a small container for medicine along with another one for trash.

The nurse smiled gently and went to Evelyn first, after all, her priority was to take care of her patients, after all, they're all humans. Right?

"Hey Camilla, what's for breakfast?" Cass asked warmly as she sat upright easily, as if she's done this multiple times before.

"Today's breakfast is salad and bread. Which one would you want?" Camilla returned another question after answering Cass's.

She then checked Evelyn's monitor that was beside her. Fixing the position of the bed for Evelyn, she shyly thanked the nurse, "Thank...thanks"

'What in the f*cking world was that?!' Evelyn thought, bewildered at her reaction toward the nurse.

"This is normal, your blood flow is returning to its original condition, circulating through your mind. Waking up after a three day nap takes a toll on the mind while it fixes the body you know?"the nurse kindly told Evelyn after seeing her reaction to her close contact.

'This must be because of one my titles.' the nurse thought quietly in her mind before she finished checking Evelyn.

"Seems like everything's going smoothly. You should be able to handle muscle movements soon like walking or carrying something. What would you like for breakfast?"the nurse said as she pocketed the small pen light and rolled the trolley over.

"Uhh, I guess I'll have the bread?" Evelyn decided with a confused tone. After giving all of them their breakfast, she then went over to Olivia and checked her IV drops with a mixed expression.


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