𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎

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"What happened?" I asked, rushing over to Atlas who had just come home. His head was bandaged and I saw a scar on his face that looked rather ghastly. He grimaced as I hugged him, placing my head on his chest and then looking back up in worry. His blue eyes bored into mine, staring at me tenderly.

"Nothing much. Just had a minor accident."


"I was walking to a coffee shop nearby when a car hit me. It wasn't too bad, honestly. Look, I'm better now."

Suddenly, my eyes travelled to the door, where a woman was coming inside with Atlas's bag and a bag full of what looked like medicines. She had brilliantly bright hazel eyes, and her brown hair was tied in a braid that suited her, with loose strands falling on her face. She had light freckles adorning her face. She was wearing a skirt that went past her knees and a cute top. I felt a bit insecure.

She was so beautiful.

"Can I come in?" she asked, and her voice sounded like honey.

"O-of course." I replied, and internally cursed myself for sounding so timid. Atlas glanced between us both and then pointed at her. I noticed how he looked rather uncomfortable and suddenly avoided looking directly at me.

"Lily, I'd like you to meet Amy. She's the friend I told you about. Amy, this is my wife, Lily. Amy was with me when the accident happened, and I was too tired to drive home so she dropped me." Atlas introduced us, and I found myself glancing anywhere but her. Her name sounded a bit familiar, but I didn't know anyone named Amy.

"I should be heading off now, I guess." she muttered, and I gritted my teeth. Why was I standing there like a lump?

"No, let me get us a cup of coffee. You just came." I said and she took a deep breath. I could've sworn I'd seen her or something, but I shrugged off the thought.

"Are you sure I'm not imposing?"

"Not at all. You can...chat with Atlas while I get the snacks."

I didn't wait for her reply as I went to the kitchen, and began panicking. I'd never the way I looked bother me. Much. But now that woman made me feel so...less. It was unsettling. And I know I shouldn't harbor a grudge or something against her, but I found that same jealousy creep its way into my heart, even though Amy hadn't done anything to alarm me. 

Casting those thoughts aside, I brewed some coffee and made a few snacks as quick as I could. I didn't want to leave them both alone out there for too long. 

Since when did I become one of those suspicious, annoying wives I'd despised once?


"Here's the coffee. D'you want me to add anything to it?" I spoke, and my tone sounded so fake at that moment, I wanted to facepalm myself. Atlas must've noticed, considering his tense posture.

"I'll add some sugar myself. Thank you." she said as I sat down.

"So, Atlas told me you work at the restaurant?" 

"Yes, I'm a chef over there. I've always liked eating food and cooking too, so I decided to pursue it as a career. It was a bit bumpy at first but now I'm happy I decided to do this for a living. What about you? I think you own your own business?"

"A flower shop. Gardening has been my passion for as long as I can remember. It gets a bit tedious at times, but I'm happy with how it's all worked out."

"You both haven't been married very long, have you?"

"No. It's not even been a year."

"But Atlas tells me you both knew each other for quite some time. Since you were teenagers and all."

I glanced at him, slightly raising an eyebrow. He told her about us? 

"What about you? Are you in a relationship?" I tried to change the topic.

"Yeah. He's a neurosurgeon. Ryle Kincaid."

Suddenly, my world stopped. My breath hitched. My face paled. Atlas lowered his head and I just stared dumbfoundedly at them both. I'd totally forgotten about the name Ryle told me. Amy Fowler, he'd texted. 

That's why Atlas was uncomfortable. He knows.

From the way he looked like he would rather be anywhere but here, I understood. He did know.

I wished a hole would open up in the ground and swallow me right now. I wanted to disappear. This tightness in my chest, I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Is everything alright?" 

No. No, it isn't. 

"Yeah, everything's fine."


"Would you bother looking at me?" I said. After talking some more, Amy had handed me Atlas's prescription and left. He'd gone straight to the bedroom, and I followed him, a bit irritated.

"Look, I'm not mad at you, Atlas." 

He perked up, and I felt a shiver run through me at the intensity with which he stared at me.

"You're not?"

"It's not your fault, and...well, neither you nor her are to blame."

"Won't you ask me how I found out?"

"I don't need to know that, Atlas. I'm happy with you, and who Ryle dates is not a concern to me."

"D'you think she understood you were his ex-wife?"

"I don't think we talked long enough for her to recognise my voice, and Ryle hasn't told her much about me. I don't even know if she knows my name."

"Would you want me to tell her or something?"

I slipped between the sheets and hugged him as his muscles tensed. He pulled me closer and ran his hands through my hair, letting the strands fall slowly. I closed my eyes. I felt I was being a hypocrite. On one hand, I had this aversion towards Ryle's new girlfriend, even though he doesn't owe me anything. And on the other, I had Atlas, whom I believed I sincerely loved. I was stuck and I didn't know what to do.

I didn't want to be an unfaithful wife. Or be dishonest to Atlas in any way whatsoever. But I didn't know how to get rid of all these feelings of mine that were tethered to Ryle in some hideous way. I would never get back with him. I didn't love him. I knew that. 

"Thank you." Atlas whispered.

"For what?"

"I don't know. I just want to thank you for...being here with me. For being in my life. For giving me another chance to love you again. And I know we both might not be perfect, but you'll always have this place in my heart," And then he kissed the top of my head. "I love you so much."

Being here with him was all that mattered. Ryle, Amy, none of it had any importance right now. Just he did. 

"I love you too, you hard headed idiot." I muttered, closing my eyes and basking in his scent.


1.4K views in just this little amount of time? Thank you all. And even though you did not complete the upvote target for the previous chapter, I decided to just go ahead and write this. I wrote this at around 4 in the morning, so it might not be my best work. 

You guys, I also wanted to ask whether you'd like me to update the character list and add Amy and Ryle's aesthetics too. I might make some for Alyssa and Marshall as well if I feel like it. Please do tell me your opinion because I really need it. *being indecisive sucks*

Keep showing your love, and don't forget to upvote this chapter <3   

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