Part 1 - Car ride home

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* this story is different than the official bob bilby episode

[at kindergarten, camera facing bingo]

BINGO:: dad said that uncle stripe would pick me up today, Bob Bilby~

(bob bilby stays silent, bingo sits on stairs in front of kindergarten)

(bingo clutches bob Bilby book)

BINGO:: is that uncle stripe's car?

(lila walks over to bingo)

LILA:: bye, bingo!

BINGO:: bye Lila!

LILA:: bye, bob bilby!

BINGO [as bob bilby]:: bye Lila!

LILA'S PARENT:: alright, hurry up Lila (picks up Lila and tickles her stomach)

(Lila giggles)

MUFFIN:: BINGOOO!!!!!!! (shouting from car)

BINGO:: oh, they're here! (stands up and runs to car)

[camera in car]

(bingo sits in the middle of socks and muffin)

STRIPE:: bingo,

BINGO:: yeah?

STRIPE:: what's that book you've got there? it looks a bit big for you to be reading it.

BINGO:: its the bob bilby book! and this is bob bilby,

STRIPE:: thats cool, eh

(bingo folds bob's ears down)

BINGO:: (whisper) he's not actually real, he's just a puppet.

STRIPE:: ohhh.

(socks barks in response)

[title screen pops up]

"this episode of 'bluey' is called 'bob bilby'!"

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