The Calm Before the Storm

112 11 7

Taehyun should have known. He should have been smart enough to know that relationships inside a group will never work, not when your group mates are close to each other all the time and you would never know when they would start catching feelings for each other.

It was all obvious and on clear display that his boyfriend had started to lose interest in him and instead like one of their group mates, he should have noticed that from the very moment his boyfriend started to turn down his requests for dates and fun hangouts.

But still, he chose to be a blind fool and ignore all the signs that they were never bound to become one. Maybe it has all been in his head.

But how can one know when their relationship has ended when their partner still continues to show them love, even if it's different than what it used to be?

How was he supposed to know Beomgyu's feelings had disappeared for him when the older boy still continued to treat him like a rare gem?

So maybe it wasn't entirely his fault.


"Bye Huening~" Taehyun bid his farewell to Hueningkai as he exited the apartment and walked towards his bike.

Oh yes, his bike, the same one his dear, precious Beomgyu hyung had bought for him on his birthday, last year.

Taehyun had promised the boy to always ride the bike and think of Beomgyu.

How lovely, isn't it?

He caressed the bike as he started riding towards the destination he had in mind while humming one of their group's songs, but before that, he made sure to wear a mask and cover most of his face with his hoodie.

After all, he was a member of the very famous group, Tomorrow by Together.

He looked around with his big, doe eyes shining like a piece of diamond and observed the normal people around him, doing normal things and saying normal things.

"I missed this feeling of being able to blend in with others..." he sighed and shook his head, it was not like he didn't like his life now either.

His phone rang and he looked at the contact, it read 'Gyu hyungie'.

A smile appeared on his face and his eyes turned into little crescent shapes. If he didn't have his mask on, who knows how many would fall in love with his adorable face.

Hyunie, I'm waiting

Don't rush, I need you here in one piece, hihi

A giggle left his mouth and without realizing it, his cheeks turned a bright pink color.

'God, why am I feeling so exhilarated?!!?'

Taehyun continued the path he was on until he reached somewhere that looked like...

"A beach? Why would hyung want me to come here?"

He shrugged and got off the bike, making sure it was locked and in a secure place.

He walked until he saw someone standing in the middle of the beach with his phone in his hand, he recognized him as Beomgyu.

"Hyung!" he shouted and waved his hands and as soon as the latter saw him, he did the same.

Taehyun ran to where Beomgyu was standing and suddenly he felt his foot hit something and he fell on his face.

"Oww! This son of a-" he stopped before cursing and saw Beomgyu laughing his ass off at him.

He looked to his side to see the thing he tripped on was Beomgyu's guitar.

"Couldn't you put it somewhere else?? I almost bruised my foot!" he whined and stood up, not forgetting to smack Beomgyu on his shoulder.

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