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breath in, breath out.

it's cold.

cold, cold.

it's dark.

the only source of light was the aura surrounding me.

at least I think it's me.

i look at the outfit 'I' am wearing. it's strange yet right. i never wear these nor would i have access to the clothing. it's so pretty.

setting change.

now, i'm outside somewhere. a forest, on a pavement.

the wind makes an audible "woosh" sound as it passes me, delicately tracing my skin. it felt so comforting yet it made me shiver in fright.

who's that?

they're so... bright.

he looks angelic but gives an aura that's telling me how much he's judging me.

he gives a glowy light like the moon reflecting the sun's rays. represents the moon.

im suddenly fighting him. i feel detatched from myself but i can feel my body struggling to fight back.

he's struggling too. i know it.

it's like he's unsure how to judge me because the thing isn't under his jurisdiction anymore.

what thing?

why is he judging me?

how do I know he's judging me?

your judgement is drawing closer more than you think

you said you would help me when i needed you.



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my dream, my destiny -ninjagoWhere stories live. Discover now