Loves Lingering Embrace

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[Guest bedroom within Three Pines]

In the village of Three Pines, the rain tapped hard against the window, as Armand and Reine-Marie lay sound asleep. Chief Inspector Armand Gamache was currently investigating a homicide case at the Manoir Bellechasse while staying over at a motel in the Eastern Townships of Three Pines. Reine-Marie, his supportive wife, decided to drop by and stay overnight before continuing her journey to Burlington.

And then, unexpectedly led them to have an intimate night, something they've usually never done. It started with a kiss, then gradually began to become more intimate.

Last night was different, it was slow, passionate, and fervent. Something out of the ordinary for a couple in their late 50s.

Armand, who was mainly fixated on his duties, found himself questioning their passionate night.
"Why now?" he wondered,

..."Are we too old for such desires?"

Yet, within him, he felt a hunger, longing for touch— fulfillment in their middle-age phase, despite their physical changes.

Reine-Marie had desired to do something like this but didn't realize Armand would feel the same. It created an intimate bond between them.

Now these unsolicited desires were revealed throughout that night. They felt desperate for each other. He thought about Reine-Marie's desire for him, and how she initiated their lovemaking, unveiling her longing for him.


The aftermath was evident with their clothes scattered on the floor, discarded in their haste desire to be close to each other. The bedsheets once pristine were now rumpled and out of place.

Within the dimly lit room, Armand lay in slumber, partially clothed, and beside him, Reine-Marie resting, with her body bare. His body spooned against hers, their legs entwined, and his hand rested underneath the covers around her waist. His nose nestled in her hair, catching the warm fragrance from her dishevelled hair.

As the rain continued its calming rhythm, Reine-Marie stirred awake, her body conscious of her surroundings. Her eyes fluttered open, and with a contented sigh, shifted slightly in his grip, feeling the warm presence of Armand's body against her.

"Armand..." she murmured with a hoarse voice, waiting for his response, shifting her hand to hold his. Armand stirs awake by her touch, his arm tightening around her waist, signalling his rousing. "Quelle heure est-il?" She asks the time, with her strong French accent.

As his eyes opened slightly, he turned wearily towards the bedside table, reaching for his phone with the hand that was resting around her waist. He checked the time on his phone and then placed it back on the table: 6:20 AM

"Around 6:00." He responded, heavy with sleep. She knew she had to continue her trip to Burlington for a meeting, and she wanted to get going early so traffic wouldn't be so busy.

His arm wrapped around her again, closing his heavy eyelids, feeling exhaustion taking over him.With a sense of vulnerability, Reine-Marie brought up the bedsheet against her chest for comfort and privacy. She watched the rain tapping rhythmically against the window, creating a calming atmosphere. "Are you leaving soon?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Ouais," she sighed, a reminder of her plans for today, feeling a sense of regret and longing. "I have to leave for that meeting in Burlington, remember?" 

Opening his heavy eye lids, his heart ached at the reminder of departure. He tightens his embrace around her, unwilling to let her go and gently plants soft kisses on her bare shoulder. She chuckled softly, her body shifted towards him, while also enjoying the moment.

"Perhaps you could conveniently forget your meeting and stay a little longer, hmm?" he says softly as his kisses continue to trail up her neck, a hint of mischief and desire stirred within her. She chuckles. Glancing down, both looking at each other, hunger evident in their eyes. She responds with a smirk, "Nice try." Her head resting against his chest.

After experiencing a passionate and unified moment he couldn't stand her leaving. The way she looks at him touches him, her beauty inside and out, creates a roaring desire within him, something he couldn't resist.

He leans in, kissing her soft lips, while her hand gently rested on his cheek, and her body instinctively pressing against his. Memories of their intimate night flooded Armand's mind. He couldn't help but smile against her lips. "Last night was quite unexpected of you," he murmured against her lips while his hands roamed the curves of her figure.

She chuckled, "Well, I thought it was about time to add some excitement after all these years." She shrugs, her cheeks filled with blush. "Well then I have to say, I enjoyed your antics, Madame." he smirks. "You're not so bad yourself, Monsieur Chief Inspector." She says with her French accent punctuating. A playful glint in her eyes, she teased, "It seems to me that solving crimes isn't the only thing you're good at?"

He chuckled, "Oh really? Then let see what other mysteries you've been hiding," he replied, lifting the bed sheet just slightly to see her figure. "And what will you think you'll uncover?" She gazed at him with a sultry look.

> incomplete***


She leans in giving him a chaste kiss before reluctantly departing. "I should get going before traffic starts getting bad." The remnants of their love, still tingle within them. Reine-Marie pulled away from his grip, moving swiftly to the edge of the bed, the bedsheets slipping down her figure. Checking her phone for emails.

Armand falls back on the bed, absorbing these intimate memories, the remnants of their intimacy clung onto them. He felt incredible, and likewise with Reine-Marie.

His heart sank at the thought of her leaving, he knew she had responsibilities and so did he. He sighed, and nodded with understanding, "I'll walk you out."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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