One small detail changes everything

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“You don't care about me!” Ink yelled. “You won't listen! I try so hard to talk to you but you've never given me a straight answer!”

“1nK, i-” Error coughed, choking on blood and guilt. “1 c4n'T jUsT s-$t0p. YoU k3eP cRe4t1nG m0r3 uNiVeRs3s.”

“I only create them because you destroy the ones I already made! I put in so much effort-”

“BuT tHe BaLaNc3 i$-” Error stopped, not wanting to talk over Ink. He sent him an apologetic glance, which was ignored. “1- 1’m WiLl1nG t0 b4rGa1n,” he pleaded. The offer felt like he had bared his SOUL and Ink was holding it in his hands.

Ink turned away, crushing it. “I tried to bargain with you for years. You never took it.”

Error had wanted to. Always wanted to. “Pl3a$e,” he nearly begged. “Ju$t 0n3 m0r3 t1m3. 1t CaN w0rK oUt. 1 d0n’T w4nT tHi$ t0 c0nTiNiUe.”

“Then why has it?”

Hurt rang through Ink’s voice. Error felt another pang of guilt.

“1t-” His voice died out. “1 d0n’T-”

Ink stood with his back turned, waiting for Error to find his words. Error took a deep breath.

“Th3 BaLaNc3,” he forced out.

“What balance?”

Error paused. He wasn't sure how to word it. He felt like he only had one chance to get it right. “Th3 BaLaNc3 oF cRe4t1oN aNd De$tRuCt1oN,” he said. “To0 mUcH oF e1tHeR i$... b4d.”

Ink considered this, and frowned. “I never felt that,” he said, somewhat accusingly.

“YoU..,” Error started awkwardly, “d0n’T h4v3 a S0UL, s0 iT’s HaRd3r FoR y0u To Fe3l…”

Ink stared at him, unimpressed and a bit offended. Error knew he was losing his chance.

“BuT y0u CaN f3eL iT,” he added hastily. “YoU f3eL iT sHiFt1nG wHeN i De$tRoY uNiVeRsEs.”

“Yes,” Ink said coolly. “It hurts.”

Error winced. He hadn't realized it hurt Ink too. “1’m $oRrY,” he said. “1 d1dn’T kNoW.”

The genuine regret in his voice seemed to throw Ink for a loop. “You- Huh?” He struggled for words. Error, as Ink had just a minute before, waited patiently.

Finally, Ink managed to get his thoughts in order and blurted, “You're sorry?”

Realizing how that came out, he hastily waved his hands and tried to take it back, but Error only glanced up at him with an unreadable expression.

“1t HuRt$ m3 t0o,” he said softly. The words hung like shadows in the air, silencing the conversation.

“Oh,” Ink whispered, expression falling apart as the implications caught up to him. “Oh. I-” He fell silent, not sure what to say. “I'm sorry too,” he managed. It felt empty to him, falling flat against the enormity of the situation.

“No,” Error said. “1t’$ n0t YoUr FaUlT. 1 d1dN’t TeLl YoU.”

“I didn't tell you either,” Ink defended.

“1t WoUlD h4v3 b3eN sTuPiD t0 t3lL y0uR gRe4t3sT eNeMy HoW t0 iNcaPaCiTaTe YoU,” Error said. “YoU d1dN’t Kn0w Wh4t 1 w0uLd Do 1f 1 kNeW.”

Ink swallowed. “Is that why you didn't tell me?”

Error glanced away. “No,” he said. I didn't think you'd believe me, he wanted to say, but that was a conversation for another time. “Wh4t Do We Do NoW?” he asked.

Ink blinked. “Now?”

“Th4t We Kn0w 4b0uT e4cH oTh3r’$ r3a$oNs.”

Ink thought for a moment. “Well, you mentioned a bargain you wanted to make. What is it?”

Error stumbled over his words a bit. “1t’$- i Ne3d To Th1nK aBoUt 1t, 4 l0t 0f Th1nGs WiLl Be DiFf3r3nT. i DoN't Kn0w Wh4t 1 sHoUlD cHaNg3.”

“Tell me when you're ready then,” Ink said. He smiled. “I'm willing to listen.”


Just something I wrote when I was kinda feeling down. I like to think about them talking. It makes me happier.

602 words

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