Grade 5 - The Bus ride

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Why was she doing all this? Must be because of jealously, or maybe just because I stole her fame. No one really understood Alannah. She was always getting sad or mad, or sometimes even both at unexpected moments. It's ridiculously stupid. Just because she hates me, doesn't mean she had to make everyone hate me too. Honestly I really like her, I like the way I was never lonely, and how she always made me feel special, unique, confident and oddly open around her. What was her problem, for suddenly bring up this nasty, childish attitude? Suddenly going behind my back and blaming me for doing this, and doing that. What a fake friend.

"Sophie!" I turned around recognising the voice. Finally it had been the day we have all been waiting for, camp. We were in the last term of school and the best way to celebrate was going to camp with the rest of the school. Carmen was my camp buddy and Alannah was Winnies. Last night me and Carmen couldn't stop gushing about what to do at Camp and whose group we want to be in. Nothing could ruin this week. I remember very well how fun camp was in grade 4. Best experience ever. Just as Carmen and I were in the middle of planing what we were gonna do we were interrupted by our the deputy principal, "No phone, smartwatches or other devices are allowed on this camp trip." Surprisingly a mob of student dragged their feet to the front of the hall. We walked across the oval is classes and hoped on the bus. The excursion we've all been waiting for has finally come.

Alannah sat with Bianca.D (the one in my grade 5 class) and in front of me and Carmen. Ryan, the biggest Alannah simp, sat in the same row as them with Hector. Carmen and I basically just kinda stay quiet for the whole ride and Carmen took a nap, while I was eavesdropping on Alannah, Bianca, and Ryan's conversation. They were playing Kiss Marry Kill. Obviously in one of the questions for Ryan had Alannah in it. Ryan chose Alannah for marry and I could somehow see her expression from looking at her from behind. She was acting like she didn't like it. I mean why would she? She doesn't even like Ryan, she likes his friend, Jeremy. He's like all the girls would dream of tall, attractive, Asian and smart guy. I'm not gonna lie but Alannah and Jeremy look like a perfect match. But her crush doesn't stop her from loving the attention from other guys. she loves as much as my mum's beef jerky. "Sophieeeeeee, we were playing Kiss, Marry, Kill and Ryan chose me for marryyyyyy," she was pulling that sad baby face. A part of me wanted to ask her, why were you even playing with him, but the other just told me to play along. I just showed her my sad empathy face that's all that took her to flip her head back and continue playing. She sure does love attention.

Eventually, the bus had arrived at our campsite. We were on top camp so we had to climb up the hill. Excitement was running through me as I clutched my suitcase and dragged it to the top. When Carmen and I found our cabin we rushed in to room and changed into our swimmers. Our first activity was at the beach. This was just the beginning of the fun.

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