The Next Day

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The day continued as usual, Alina finished her work and submitted it to her boss. she left the office and was walking down the street. She went on her usual rout to reach her home. While walking, she heard footsteps behind her. She looked around to see if anyone was there behind her but no one was there. She got scared but tried to ignore it as she thought that she was getting scared for no reason and continued her journey as usual. She finally reached home.

''He-hey Eva'' said Alina to Eva who was leaving. '' why do you sound scared Alina ?is everything ok?'' asked Eva '' y-yes, everything is all right, don't worry'' responded Alina. '' how was my father today'' ''good as usual. anyways i have to leave now so bye'' '' bye, thanks for taking care of my father''.  She took her father upstairs and tucked him to sleep and went downstairs to have her dinner. After she was done eating her dinner, she went up to sleep on her bed. Suddenly, she jolted up  awake after hearing some noise coming from the back yard. she peeked out of her window to see what was happening. She saw a tall shadowy man  jumping over the broken fence and running away into the darkness. She was terrified and taught of the man she saw yesterday but tried to forget about it and tried to go back to sleep. She couldn't sleep that night as she would peek out the window to catch another glimpse of the man.

The next day she got up from her bed and went down to feed her dog. She got down and was met with a horrible stench. It smelt like some thing was dead. She opened the back door. There She saw a horrible sight of a bear, a fox and a deer's heads on a spear, they seemed a little fresh, blood was dripping down from the heads, the animals' expressions seemed horrified and it smelt so bad that Alina nearly puked from the stench. She remembered the man she saw last night and knew that he was responsible for this so she decided to go to the police.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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