Chapter 30

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"You are still not looking good." Namjoon told Jungkook as they put the baggages at the back of the car. "You're still sulking."

"I just don't feel good with this Kim Taehyung but Mr. Kim told me not to hurt him in any way. He sure has plans against me and Seokjin."

"Mr. Kim or Taehyung?"

"I would say both." Jungkook said slamming the door of the car.

"Relax. Mr. Kim has his reasons."

"He just allowed me to date Seokjin. I need to protect Seokjin from that lunatic. I am sure he has plans that would eventually hurt him and I don't like what I am feeling right now." Jungkook said.

"Just enjoy the trip. Me and Jimin will stay close to make sure both of you are safe. Just..." Namjoon breathe in. "Don't make Mr. Kim mad. Your relationship with Seokjin is at stake. Just follow his orders and control your temper." Namjoon said squeezing Jungkook's shoulder.

"Kookie, Joonie-hyung, are you guys okay?" Seokjin asked when he saw the two looking down.

Jungkook mustered up a smile upon seeing Seokjin. "Jinnie, baby, yes we are. Are you ready?" He asked him.

"Hm." Seokjin nodded.

"Let's go. We'll be using two cars today since it will be six of us." Jungkook said as he tapped on his own sports car prepared for the trip.

"Cool car." Jin said. "Are we going to pick-up Hoseok and Yoongi now?" He asked.

"Me and Namjoon will pick them up, Jinnie." Jimin said as he came from behind them. "You two can go ahead and we'll just follow. We'll keep track of you, just don't be too fast. We'll meet during lunch." Jimin said.

"Okay. We'll go ahead now." Jungkook said nodding his head at the two.


Namjoon stayed with Hoseok at the back of the car, while Yoongi sat at the driver's seat, to replace Jimin from driving. He smiled at Jimin before pulling him eagerly for a kiss.

Namjoon and Hoseok did not care much as they have also started on their own.

"Let's hurry before Jungkook kills us." Jimin said to Yoongi and the latter just smiled at him as he drove away while his hands were on Jimin's thigh.

Jimin felt Yoongi squeezing his thigh close to his crotch and Jimin was not able to help but feel hard by the action. Jimin looked at Yoongi as the latter smirked at him while slightly touching his clothed cock.

"You might want to focus on the road." Jimin said as he feels the heat coming up to his body.

"The two at the back are already enjoying. I think we should also enjoy our time together." Yoongi said.

Jimin looked at the back as he saw Hoseok on Namjoon's lap. The two are in their own world as Hoseok started grinding on top of Namjoon. He was moaning slightly as the older started unbuttoning the younger's pants.

Jimin then put up the partition without being asked.

"I can't watch that while I am here having blue balls." Jimin said.

"Well, I'm also hard. I could use a road head." Yoongi said. "I can also do it for you after I cum and you drive." He said with an evil smirk.

Jimin smiled at him and slowly palmed Yoongi's cock before slowly unbuttoning and unzipping it.

When the cock sprung free, Jimin smiled and licked his lips. He smelled Yoongi's cock before suddenly swallowing it whole.

"Oh...fuck... yesssss... do it like that baby." Yoongi said as he slowed down while driving, trying to focus on his baby and on the road.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now