Blodeuwedd's Journey

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Created from flowers of meadowsweet, broom and oak, she was conjured up. The fairest, most beautiful maiden anyone had ever seen. And they baptized her in the way that they did at that time, and named her Blodeuwedd.
Created as a wife for Lleu Llaw Gyffes, to be his proud possession. He hadn’t fallen in love with her and consequently she didn’t feel connected to him. Little wonder then, that she should have fallen in love with Gronw Pebr, during one of Llew’s long absences.
How dare Gwydion use more magic to turn her into an Owl! An owl was hated by all birds. So once again she was an outcast, a creature with no connection and love.
After Gwydion did this to her, she had his in the hollow of an oak tree for days. She heard it’s strong branches creak and groan around her as the wind whistled around. Gradually, a calmness and acceptance settled in her heart and she listened to the leaves whispering to each other. She decided to venture out when darkness next fell, to find food to sustain her and to forge a plan.
She needed help from a magician, who would know how to counteract Gwydions curse, to free her from her feathered cage.
She knew that Gronw, her lover had been killed by Llew and although her heart ached, knowing they wouldn’t be together in this life, Blodeuwedd wanted to be a woman again.
She couldn’t explain this hiraeth she felt. This longing, nostalgia, this attachment for a place, the past, that may never have existed at all.
Gwydion had created her out of meadsweet, broom and oak and she knew that she had to find the place where she was created.
She recalled that night and remembered a clearing, the sky above a deep blue. The trees circling her bowed in quiet reverence.
Blodeuwedd searched for many nightfalls , until one night, when the moon was full casting a warmth upon the night, she saw the place of her birth.
She swooped down and nestled into the branch of the largest oak tree. Her heart raced as she called upon the magic around her to send a Magician to help her. She waited patiently at first, then began to lose hope. Ashe was about to fly away as the dawn light approached, when she heard a man’s deep voice say
‘Blodeuwedd fly down and rest on my hand. I have been expecting you.’’
She did as he bade. His name she didn’t know and it was of no importance, for she knew her thoughts and desires had been heard. As she sat in his hand, he gathered broom, meadowsweet and oak leaves. With baited breath, she squawked and waited for her new life to begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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