Chapter 1: I'm Gonna Be Pokémon Champion!!

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The sun shines down on a tiny island in the deep, blue sea

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The sun shines down on a tiny island in the deep, blue sea. Wingulls soar the skies above and Magikarp swim the waters below. A small town compared to the others in Hoenn, but with the newly built Pokémart and other buildings, the population was steadily growing. Walking across the pier heading straight towards the isolated town in the Hoenn region was a woman with a Serperior resting on her shoulders.

 Walking across the pier heading straight towards the isolated town in the Hoenn region was a woman with a Serperior resting on her shoulders

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Lisa Garner wipes her brow and whistles, a big smile plastered on her face.

Lisa: Finally made it! There's so much sea everywhere I was worried we'd never hit land again.  Haha, I wonder what Pokémon are on this island? I'm so excited, Serpy!

Her Serperior shrills in response and lovingly rubs its cheek against hers.

Lisa: Let's go!

Lisa happily skips her way to Dewford Hall hoping to get any information on potential Pokémon. As she enters the building, a scene of a bustling crowd all on their phone are there speaking over each other.

Lisa: Ooo. Everyone looks busy.

With that said, it doesn't stop her from instantly approaching a young man for a conversation.

Lisa: Hello!

Young Man: Wah! Oh, uhh, hello?

Lisa starts to speak incredibly fast.

Lisa: Hey! I'm new around here, I came allllll the way from Unova in search of exciting, new Pokémon to catch but I've been sidetracked by all the beautiful sights and battling, and I have noooo idea of what type of Pokémon I want on my team and then I heard a rumor that there's been weird, new Pokémon sightings in this area! Is this true and do you know where to find them?!

Lisa: Hey! I'm new around here, I came allllll the way from Unova in search of exciting, new Pokémon to catch but I've been sidetracked by all the beautiful sights and battling, and I have noooo idea of what type of Pokémon I want on my team and t...

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My Pokémon Olympians (Pokémon x OP Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now