~part IV:dealing with drama~

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"She'll be here any second. we should head inside before she starts one of her tantrums again like in the courtroom. Let's head inside come on Eve."
"Bye, jen!"
"Alright, bye oliver,"
We went inside, and all I could think of was what Eve overheard. What
Negotiate with the inheritance?,is she serious - I'm genuinely confused with what I just heard. My aunt is a very complicated person, honestly. The inheritance belongs to me now, so why does she want it?why is she so obsessed with the company?

Someone was at the front door before I knew it. My aunt and her lawyer. I saw them entering with such confidence. I crossed my arms as I made my way downstairs. She smirked when she saw me. It annoyed me for some reason. I personally didn't hate my aunt,we just had a cold relationship, you could say... Yeah.

"Well, well, if it isn't the devil who stole my inheritance!"
"Aunt Mary, how lovely to see you!"
"You really think the inheritance belongs to you? Ha, seriously. "
"Well yes I mean Mr.Charles even confirmed it while announcing the news!"

She laughed. I titled my head, seriously, what's with her.

"I'm sorry, but what's so funny, aunt Mary?"
"Oh just the fact that you think the inheritance is yours I mea-"
"But it is MINE why is it so hard for you to understand, I know it's hard for you, but please try not to forget, okay aunt mary?"

Of course, she lost it. Did I tell you? Aunt Mary has very bad case of anger issues. Oh, how lovely, she broke the tea cup that was in front of her at the table. Her lawyer tried to handle her,but of course, she didn't stop. She grabbed me by the collar and looked at me with pure rage.

"Ma'am please clam down remember the deal we made?"

The moment her lawyer said this, she let me go and fixed her dress. Huh, this deal must be really important for her. For the first time, I saw her being mature. Interesting, very interesting. The day ended. Another started.

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