VI. Liars and Spies

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November, 1994.

The strangest two weeks of Hermione's existence occurred after that night. She didn't go to the astronomy tower or sneak out at all–actually–but they were still strange. Draco would catch her eye across the room but he would never look away. It was like he was studying her–as she had been studying him. Now she was just trying to get through a day without making nervous eye contact with him. Sometimes he looked perplexed or thinking and sometimes his expression was just the normal scowl.

To be clear, he wasn't constantly staring at Hermione, she was sure of that, but she always seemed to catch him by accident when he was. She was avoiding him–that was for sure–but she wasn't completely sure why. Their conversation on the astronomy tower had been inexplicable in a way which frustrated Hermione. She went over it a million times in her head, every single word, and still, none of it made any sense to her.

He was looking for her. Good company? Sh considered asking the divination teacher, Professor Trewlawny, what it all meant. Apparently she could tell the future. That's how much her mind was enraptured in Draco Malfoy. She needed to understand but she–just–couldn't. She lost sleep over it the first few nights before she'd exhausted her thoughts and succumbed to ignoring him until she could think properly. His little looks at her which she always noticed were not helping.

Harry was extremely on edge through these weeks as well. Probably for a far better reason. The first task was announced to be taking place on November 24. He came up to Hermione one day in the common room looking somewhat frantic and out of breath as if he'd run there or was in the beginning stages of a panic attack.

"Mione–" he took in some air, "Its–dragons–for the–first–task"

She felt her stomach drop. Dragons, he had said. Fire creatures. "Is–are you sure? Is Dumbledore allowed to make you all fight dragons?"

It turned out that Hagrid–although he wasn't supposed to–had shown Harry where the dragons were being kept in cages in the Forbidden Forest so he could get Harry ready for the task. Hermione practically ran to the library, dragging Harry behind her, to read about dragons. The only issue was that they didn't know exactly what the task was yet. Obviously, Dumbledore wouldn't have them attempting to slay the dragons. That would be preposterous. So what did he want them to do? Harry asked Hagrid but he didn't know either. Without knowing the full extent of the task, it was difficult to devise a plan which would allow Harry to live past November 24. All they could do was research things like defensive spells and shields which they were not even sure he could use against a literal dragon.

Ron approached Hermione a few days before the task.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Yeah–of course."

He pulled her to the couch of the Gryffendor common room where no one was sitting.

In a low voice, he said, "I'm worried about him–Harry–he's been waking up in the middle of the night all sweaty–and I think he's having nightmares. Has he told you about that?"

"No," she said. Harry hadn't told her anything like that, just that he was nervous about the task. "What kind of nightmares?"

"Well–that–that's what I wanted to ask you about because–"

"Because you refuse to ask him."

"Mione–its not–"

"No–I don't care anymore–I'll talk to him." She stood up from the couch and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry sat alone at the Gryffendor table with a book and a plate of uneaten food. She sat down across from him and he lifted his head.

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