I swear I know you..

150 7 15

"Heyy!-" nine says grinning
"What do you want..?" Six says annoyed.

Nines buzz kinda gets harshened by six attitude. It's not like this is anything new, she's rude, bitchy at times but kind of- well... a very fun Person to be around when actually enjoying your company..

"Oh well I was just gonna ask you how's your day going ya know-?" Nine says before getting cut off. "Look I don't know why you're bugging me but can ya go bug- uh- I dunno seven? I mean you guys are closer.."

"Sevens still not here... plus you have this swag vibe from ya- and what I seen yesterday was well- pretty swag!"
"I just kicked seven...? Nothing big.."
"Nothing big?! Six- you practically shot seven up in space!" As nine utters these words, he grabs six's ands sending six into a daydream-....

....That touch felt so- familiar- but- I've never talked to nine..- like ever until now-

It felt so familiar it hurt- all I remember was at a party- completely dark- there was this person just chatting with me as others danced to music. They grabbed my hand talking about how different hand temperatures were- but- nonono- that's not where I remember that touch-.....

"..... six-? You awake-? Wakey wakey?!" Nine says in a concerned voice
"Uh- my bad-... is this the first time I've talked to you-.....? Sorry if that's random-" six utters kinda in a trance of confusion
"Probably? I dunno I mean, you've never been to the skatepark, so no probably-" nine replies with genuine intent
"Hm-... okay.." as six shrugs off the question once dominating her brain five walks up to nine and six

"Six, nine, why are you here today? It's gonna rain soon!" Five utters with harshness but a caring intent. "Why are you here then?" Six barks back with sas. Five seems unamused by her attitude and simply replies "I'm walking PASSED the playground to go to the shops a block away". Nine chuckles at six's face slowly fading into a more relaxed irritation than the before sas frown. "When I walk back from the store, if you guys are still here I'm walking you back home!" Five says less agitated. "I drove here- but stop acting like our mom!" Nine says finally contributing to the conversation. Five shrugs this backhanded comment off and responds "sorry I just can't have anymore people bugging eight for medicine, he's been getting annoyed at me for asking for him to open the Tylenol.. just- hurry up and get home!". Five walks off leaving six and nine alone again.

"So-.. any- favorite songs?" Nine says trying to keep talking so six doesn't go home yet.
"Maybe- hm.... I like the portals album a lot so.. can't name favorites" six responds
"Oh I know that one! Didn't the person who made that album also make crybaby?"
"Yeah- what's your favorite song?"
"I love the song til you tell me to leave- it's by tv girl"
"I've heard of em' before"
"I remember the first song I heard from them- it's called Mirror Mirror- me and my bro would sing it at the top of our lungs as my oldest sibling was in her room just sulking over something- I dunno she was always introverted"
"Aw that's adorable"

Nine felt like the conversation was coming to an end and felt nervous about it. Six was interesting in what he had to say about his taste in music until the dark clouds above them were too heavy to keep the water. As the first few dribbles of rain fell nine panicked.
"Aw shit- do you need a ride back home?" Nine asked trying to spend more time with his new found friend
"Its not raining that hard- but sure-" six complies
"Tubular bro! Also it's a moped so you have to hold on-" nine says as six looks up at the crying clouds. Six feels nervous about this part but decides to continue trusting him. When they get to the moped Nine hops on first.
"Hop on bro" nine says wiping his sunnies off from the water.
"Okay-..?" Six says getting on the moped and grabbing on nines sides

"Ya ready bro?" Nine sounds happy to look like a cool in-front of a new friend
"Yeah-..." six says as she falls into another trance

I swear I've met nine before but-
There was this party- it was completely dark and loud from music I know I've heard of tv girl before because when- *it*- happened the song Shame was blaring in the background as people were talking and dancing- I just know this person had style when they yapped about something random but what caught my attention was this certain touch they had- I don't remember much but the music and the body heat and the yapping- but gosh... they had *it* under control the entire time-

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