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The night seemed oddly warm for a winter evening. You were dressed in a slim white dress that seemed to catch the eye of many photographers as you took the hand of your boyfriend, Nick, carefully stepping out of the car with ease.

Tonight was the night of Taylor Swift's birthday, a friend that you had made many years ago when starting in the music industry. She had invited plenty of your friends tonight, such as the music band; BoyGenius. You had heard rumors that Taylor was looking for new openers for her upcoming tour; 'The Era's Tour', and your friend Phoebe was in the run for it.

As you strutted into the venue, the moonlight seemed to be glistening off you as your confidence radiated around you.

"You look beautiful, my love" Nick whispered in your ear, his hand tightening around your waist as if he was claiming you.

You entered the building, a smile planted on your lips as you spotted your three best friends.

"Aleisha!" Phoebe pulled you away from your boyfriend with a knowing grin. "You look stunning!" She took a step back with her hands on your shoulders to admire you.

"Awww phoebs. I love you" You embrace her.

The night was filled with chatter, drinks, and dancing. Taylor knew how to throw a party.

"Y/N! You and Nick are so cute together," Lucy Dacus seemed to be attached to your arm, yelling over the music.

You had been dancing with him all night, your relationship seemingly new. You were still in the honeymoon phase, taking baby steps. The more you were invested in the relationship, the more you became blinded by the thoughts you had when you were a teenager. The thoughts you kept hidden away from the rest of the world.

"I love him. He's so perfect. He's everything I've wanted," you smiled to the band members, the only problem with that statement was that it wasn't.

Although Nick was almost the perfect partner, he wasn't everything...

"He's a good guy. I completely approve. I've been speaking to me for a bit just before and he seems like he's so very in love with you, Y/n," Julien leaned in a little bit.

"Yeah, he's-" As you spoke, suddenly a figure knocked into you as gasps erupted from your friends. The person seemed to place a hand around your back to steady you in case you lost balance.
You didn't even look at who it may be, you glanced down at your dress. Ruined. Completely ruin. The color burgundy stained your white dress.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" The angelic voice spoke.

You glanced up, ready to pounce, yet you couldn't. You were entranced at the moment. You studied her, more than you should have. Her hazel eyes, soft lips, gently placed freckles. You felt the blood rushing to your cheeks, complete scarlet covering them. It was like the catastrophic chatter tuned out, the lights seemed to dim, and your heart thumped against your chest.

There was a fire enlightened inside of you, that you needed to be blown out but with her, there was no storm to do so. You felt it deep within you, the part of you that you kept locked away, concealed from society. You could stay here forever, the two of you looking at each other, not saying a word, yet silence however was a short-lived glory.

"I- it's okay-um" Your words seemed to be failing you, leaving you in a complete state of embarrassment.

"I've ruined your dress. I'm so sorry, this is so embarrassing." the woman spoke with pure sincerity in her voice.

"It's fine, don't apologize," you calmed yourself, as her hand removed from your back.

It was almost like her touch made you... nervous. No! That's ridiculous.

"What can I do to make this up to you? I feel terrible." The girl spoke fast, obviously flustered.

"Uh- nothing I guess..." You didn't know what could be done, the white dress, now maroon; but you didn't seem to mind.

"Can I at least buy you a drink or something, please?" The desperation in her voice was hard to ignore, it made you feel guilty saying no.

"Alright..." you offered a soft smile, knowing your friends were just beside you, watching this unfold.

You walked off with her, too scared to even speak a word. You didn't want to understand why, it made you feel almost disgusted, so you decided to ignore it. The whole thing. Your body's reactions and your racing mind.

"What do you like?" she turned to you as she leaned up against the bar, within the venue of Taylor's party.

"Just a soda. Not drinking tonight," you exclaimed, turning and looking at the empty sofa a few feet away. You need to sit as the whole situation was making you slightly dizzy, and your low iron wasn't helping.

You quickly sat down as the woman walked over with drinks in her hand, placing them on the small table next to the sofa. She sat oddly close to you now, her knee brushing against the side of your thigh. You glanced down at your phone, checking the time; 10:50 pm.

"You enjoying the night... well at least until I did that." the girl opened the conversation, gesturing to the stain on your dress.

"Yeah, it's a really good night. How do you know Taylor?" You turned to look at her, sipping your drink with the little straw that was given to you.

"I don't i got a call about coming. I thought it was fake but my manager confirmed it was Taylor. I'm not sure why I was invited yet," She confessed to you.

"You sing?" You asked, wondering whether she was in the running for opening up your friend's tour.

"Yeah. fairly new but yeah," she spoke shyly now.

"She might want you to open her show. I know Phoebe, my friend, might be as well" You offered a solution to her wonders.

"You think?" she leaned more into you, a grin spreading over her lips.

"Maybe," you whispered, looking at her expression.

You couldn't help but let your sight drift down to her lips and then back up. You wanted to continue learning about her, asking her questions. So you did just that. Asked her every question... every question except one. The one that would eat at your subconscious for many months to come; her name.

It seemed the conversation was endless, you asked her about every aspect of her life, wanting to know everything about this girl. As you went to speak once more, you felt a hand touch your shoulder. You looked up, revealing a face you had forgotten about.

"Y/n? Wanna head home?" Your boyfriend leaned down, pressing his lips against your head. You felt slightly disappointed about his affection in front of this woman, and you didn't want to know why.
"I guess so," you spoke with uncertainty, looking at the girl.

You stood up, offering the girl a very slightly saddened smile. You didn't speak now, just nodded to one another, knowing that this moment had affected you both in an unforgettable way. Nick placed his hand around your waist, as you both walked toward the exit now... but you couldn't help but take a last look back. She was still sitting in the same spot, on the sofa that you accompanied her moments before.

"What happened to your dress, babe?" He snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Just a girl."

Oh, how that sweet lie would stay with you for many nights ahead.


Also, i hope you picked up on the two songs this was based off ;)

A Working Progress- Gracie AbramsWhere stories live. Discover now