
545 17 23

wordcount: 1032 words
[ i listened to ode to my family on repeat
while writing this chapter ]

wordcount: 1032 words [ i listened to ode to my family on repeat while writing this chapter ]

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"THANK YOU FOR GOING OUT with me yua" you thanked your friend for the umpteenth, taking a sip of the milkshake that you had in your hands as you did so

yua sighed as she dropped her bags on the bench the two of you stood at, she turned to look at you as she crossed her arms over her chest; "y/n you know i'm always available to hang out with you, so stop thanking me, and besides, we haven't done this in a while and it was good to get out for a little bit, for the both of us" she said, sitting down on the bench fishing for her phone in her handbag.

it's true, what yua said, you really did need to get out. because for the past few days you've been rotting away in your bedroom with a broken heart and puffy eyes due to crying about the boy you liked, who ironically was in prison and probably not crying over you.

it had been about a week and a half since he got arrested and made his decision. you had entered the last month of summer, which meant that it was your last month of volunteering, and that also meant you would be starting school soon, which meant, senior year.

with all the changes that would be happening in your life soon, you'd expect that you'd be more productive, but no, instead you laid in bed rotting away as you rethought everything about your relationship with katsuki, how you could've maybe put a stop to certain things before it got too far and other stuff, y'know?

but alas, there you were, rotting away like a heartbroken teenager.

━━━ ★

"look alive brat, you might be able to leave this place soon" mitsuki told her son, masking her concern with her infamous grin as she watched her son stare down at the table

katsuki sighed at his mother's words, knowing she was trying to cheer him up, but right now, it felt as if nothing could cheer him up. well, except for one thing, and they both knew what, or rather who, that one thing was. he knew he wouldn't be able to get what he wanted though. he knew he lost you the moment he chose to stay

"look kid-" mitsuki started, taking her hands out of her lap and putting them on the table, only to be interrupted by katsuki glaring at her, pouting whilst mumbling out a pitiful "'m not a kid ma". at that moment, she was reminded of her little 5 year old boy who told her the same thing whenever she began reprimanding him for some shit she couldn't remember

"hey, as long as i'm alive, yer still a kid, my kid, got it? so, shut your ass up and listen to what i got to say alright?" she said, smirking as her son slouched into the metal seat and crossed his arms over his chest as he turned his head away from her, mumbling something incoherent, she had a feeling he was cursing her.

"listen, 'm not gonna reprimand you again, feel like you've got enough of that these past few weeks huh?" she said, attempting to lighten the glum mood

katsuki sighed as he rubbed his chin, now irritated with the stubble growing there, he appreciated the fact that his mother was trying to cheer him up, hell, he appreciated that his mother was even here at all, cause he knew that if he had a brat and they got arrested for doing stupid shit a few years ago in their early teenage years, he woulda left their ass in the jail cell.

"ma, why are you here? yer just waistin' time" katsuki said, drumming against the metal table as he looked down at his lap

katsuki looked up when he felt his mother grab his hand and intertwine their fingers, she reassuringly squeezed his hand and gave him an uncharacteristically soft smile as she said; "you're my kid, an' i love you, and i'll feel shitty for not coming to visit you"

"i sent her a letter yesterday, y/n i mean, to apologize for shit" katsuki suddenly said

though she was shocked that her son was opening up, mitsuki asked him to tell her about the letter, knowing that she's playing with fire asking him this, but could you blame a mother for being curious?

and so, katsuki told his mother about his letter.

━━━ ★

"y/n is that you?" your mother called out as you opened the front door

you hummed in reply as you kicked off your shoes and dropped your bags by the door, walking into the kitchen where your mother stood, leaning with her elbows on top of the kitchen island as she sorted through the mail.

you went and stood next to her, putting your head on her shoulder as you watched her go through the mail, when suddenly, something caught your attention.

"what's this?" you asked, picking up a white envelope as you flipped it over

you let out a shaky sigh as you read your name, taking note of the handwriting that was most likely engraved into your mind by now. your mother noted your behaviour, she nudged you with her shoulder as you stood up straight, tightening your grip on the letter

"who's it from?" she asked, her confused expression morphing into one of concern

"it's from katsuki" you replied.

━━━ ★

i wanted to thank each and everyone of you for taking time out of ur day and reading this book, voting on the chapters ive put out and commenting on them as well. if you've made it this far, thank you for sticking with me through this journey, and i hope u all continue to stick w me, regardless of my shitty update schedule.

this books nearly over lol n im feeling emotional abt it, also thank u all for 50k reads on cafe girl and 5k on loves a game (the first one) i truly appreciate all of u :))

three chapters left loll

shrooms ◡̈

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