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anyone have any idea
who that pink toad is?

and why did she interrupt dumbledore
like hoe...

I don't like her

ur not alone
by the looks of it everyone hates her

shes the one that wrote the anti werewolf legislation

What a bitch
What was her name again?

frying pan🍳
umbridge or smth

more like umbitch
Who Tf she think she is

idk about y'all but I'm waiting for her to stfu so I can get food

wise words from you little brother

why is hermione
Actually paying attention?

because she's hermione idk

That lady scares me :(

well what is she gonna do
Shove flies down ur throat?
Croak at u?

you know...
some of our new products need testing

ah yes yes

I also know where to find
some uh
yes yes


≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Throughout the duration of the feast, the main conversation topic was why Umbridge was here.

Apparently she was a highly regarded Ministry official, sent here by the Minister for Magic.

Stupid Minister, Anastasia thought miserably. Hope he gets sacked soon.

"Why do you think the Ministry is still trying to interfere at Hogwarts? I mean like... the Potters defeated Voldemort, there's no use for the Ministry here at all," Jezelle muttered to Anastasia, the atmosphere of the Great Hall growing tired as the dessert remains disappeared.

"Because Fudge thinks Dumbledore is a loony old crone, that's what," Anastasia scoffed, which was quickly broken off with a yawn. "Mm, I can't wait to sleep. I'm so tired."

"Okay Miss Prefect, you can't rest just yet," Jezelle rolled her eyes.

Anastasia muttered curses under her breath as the chatter in the Great Hall increased, prefects from the other houses starting to take lead.

She thought she faintly heard a yell of 'Oi, midgets!' from the Gryffindor table, but quickly shook that thought away, standing up and making her way over to Draco Malfoy, who was trying to gather the first years.

"Um- alrighty," Anastasia said loudly, clapping a couple times, startling the first years.

"Great job," Draco scoffed.

"At least I got them to pay attention to me," Anastasia said lowly, rolling her eyes. "Okay, first years, and um, everyone else, follow your prefects!" she called, gesturing to herself and Draco.

She led the Slytherins out of the Great Hall and to the dungeons, stopping in front of the stone wall, staring at it.

"What're you doing?" Draco hissed beside her.

"Do you happen to know the password?" She muttered.

"Honestly, what kind of prefect are you?" he scoffed.

"Don't make us look stupid, just tell me."

"Fine. The passwords serpentis."

"Wow, how creative," Anastasia said sarcastically, and turned around, then looked down at the first years, who were surprisingly short. "Okay, so, listen up, everyone. Er, this is the entrance to our common room and- oi, Riddle! Save the chatter for later, will you? Don't want to be locked out of the common room," she raised an eyebrow at Mattheo's direction.

Mattheo only flashed her a smirk, but said no more, fixing his eyes onto her.

Anastasia could feel his gaze, but ignored it, keeping herself composed. "As I was saying, the password is serpentis," she said the password loudly, and the wall behind her slid open to reveal a concealed stone door. "First years, wait in the middle, and everyone else can head to their dorms," she stepped to the side, letting Draco take the lead.

As Jezelle, Pansy and Daphne passed her, Jezelle gave Anastasia a teasing look, and as Theo and Mattheo passed her, Theo nudged Mattheo a little too hard in Anastasia's direction.

"Careful, Nott. Don't want detention before school's even started, do you?" Anastasia said, moving away from Mattheo ever so slightly as he regained his balance.

"Sorry, Fletcher. Just having a bit of fun," Theo grinned, dragging Mattheo into the common room.

As the last of the Slytherins filed in, she joined Draco, who was on the verge of laughing at the sight of the frightened first years.

"Don't be mean, Malfoy," Anastasia whispered.

"Easy for you to say. You were probably as scared as this lot. Half of them look like they've wet themselves. Me, personally, I was never this wimpy on my first day," he said, making a poor attempt at keeping his voice low.

Anastasia just rolled her eyes, choosing to be the responsible one and telling the first years any necessary information, and when she was finally done, she went to the fifth year girls' dorm and flopped down on her bed, refusing to talk to anyone.

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