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After a long journey we reached at Panchal where waves of joy are welcoming each guest with warm embrace

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After a long journey we reached at Panchal where waves of joy are welcoming each guest with warm embrace. After receiving greetings from Drishtadyumna, the twin brother of Draupadi, Dau and I seated at our respective places. Almost everyone was present at the swaymvar hall except the one whom I was searching for. Yes, he was none other than my Parth.

After a while I realised that his arrival was destined a little latter at the swayamvar hall. My excitement had made me forgot that fact.

At particular time Parth along with his brothers arrived there, and sat with brahmins. His kindness and knowledge had its own aura which was appreciated by everyone whose eyes fall upon him. I felt proud of him.

After being seated down, Parth started to scan the surrounding, keenly. I knew that he was searching for me. The news of my presence in that occasion was known to everyone. He too was aware of that.

He couldn't see me due to the distance in between us. I was enjoying his eagerness. Suddenly, I sensed Draupadi's focused gaze at me. I had told her everything about Arjun. That was why she was trying to trace Arjun's presence through my eyes. I praised her wiseness, at which she smiled at me.

The competition for winning Draupadi's hand began, and none could succeeded in even lifting the bow, let alone piercing the target. At last king Draupad, father of Draupadi opened the competition up for brahmins.

That was the turning point of the swayamvar.

"Arjun, you should participate for the shake of values of Kshtriya clan as a Kshtriya could never back out from a challenge," Jyeshth Yudhishthir adviced to Arjun.

"Bhrata Arjun, I suggest you to focus on the aim instead of your random search mission," Nakul too jumped into the concession with his share of advice.

"It's not a random search mission, Nakul. It has been the reason of my life," Parth corrected Nakul making me smile, merrily.

"By the way, whom are you searching?" Sahdev asked.

"The one who has been my calmness and curiosity since childhood," I had been playing roles of many emotions in Parth's heart, but the two mentioned by him were prominent among those.

"You can continue your mission latter. For now, focus on the aim, and win the princess. We haven't got any chance of celebration. So, you have to make us get one," bhrata Bheem patted on Parth's shoulder pushing him forward.

Parth walked near the bow, steadily. Bowing to the bow, he roamed his fingers on that before lifting that up. He was still lost in those vibes which were conveying my closeness to him. He was too captured by that.

"Parth, lift the bow and shot at the target. Success and your soul mate are waiting for you," I spoke to Parth, internally.

With a confident smile, Parth lifted that bow, and pierced his target making everyone hail his name. A smiling Draupadi walked towards him to garland him. As soon as she garlanded him the defeated kings and princes groaned in anger. They threatened to wage an attack on the couple.

Dau had stood up to control the situation, but got engaged in arguments instead. Even, bhrata Bheem was ready to fight. It was right time for me to intervene.

"This young brahmin has won Draupadi showing his valour. So, his win is all valid, and no violence will be tolerated regarding this. If anyone attempts to do anything wrong then he will be the sole responsible for the worst consequences," everyone remained silent whenever I stood beside Parth, supporting him.

Parth's eyes moistened at my sight with tears of vividness and vibrant colours of smile were smeared on his face.

"It's not the time, Parth. You shouldn't stare at me in this way which could make people talk about us, weirdly," I whispered to him who had no mood of withdrawing his eyes from me. He smiled in slight embarrassment.

"Our meeting is meant for making a long journey. So, leave from here for now. We will meet again the soonest," placing hand on his shoulder, I assured him, at which he nodded, slowly.

Parth along with Draupadi and bhrata Bheem walked away. I couldn't help, but kept looking at them untill they disappeared to meet the next challenge of their lives.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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