1.01- BIG TIME Audition

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Adelina got out of the white limousine breathing out from the cold she felt where she was able to see her breath in the air. Smiling to herself because it reminded her of home.

"Where am I, and why am I freezing?" Gustavo Rocque major hit producer especially in the 90's screamed out

Adelina closed her eyes in frustration before opening them again and looking to her right to give Kelly Wainwright a look of annoyance. Gustavos main assistant and his 'person' to keep him in check.

"I told you where we were when we got here but you obviously chose not to listen." Adelina said before sliding her right foot back and forth on the ice

Gustavo looked up at the girl glaring. The 16 year girl who he has been under his 'parental guidance' as you could say with him for two in a half year but has known since she was a baby.

Before any other words can be said between the two, knowing it can be minutes of bickering Kelly had interrupted handing Gustavo a latte. "You're In Minnesota"

"What's up, Minnesota?" Gustavo Yelled putting his hands up

Cheering was heard and flashes of cameras was snapped taking shots of Gustavo and Kelly as they waved. Meanwhile Adelina was walking ahead to walk into the building.

'I hate all of them" Gustavo stated as the two started to walk towards Ade

"Yes, I know." Kelly whispered at the same time Ade turned her head back "Who don't you hate?"

Gustavo chose to ignore the young girl. Pulling the latte up to his mouth to drink before pulling it back down harshly stating " And the State for freezing my latte!" dumping the frozen latte into Kellys hand. "I need a bigger coat"

"Look, it's our last stop, so just focus and try not to make everybody cry." Kelly stated running up after dropping the latte on the ground "Somewhere here id your next big star. I can feel it"

Gustavo turned to snap his head at Kelly and started to point at him self "I'm the star! What I need is a canvas with great hair that i can paint my pomp on. I need a singing block of wood that i can set on fire. So please tell me where in, uhh"

Ade having enough of listening to his screaming walked away into the building swinging the doors open but not before yelling " Minnesota!"


Three hours of loud screaming, lots of "Next" being thrown out and multiple tears later. Gustavo, Kelly and Adelina were getting no where with looking for the next big star to get Gustavo his fire back.

Ade pushed her chair in circles with her head thrown back "This is pointless, I'm bored and quite frankly I'm irritated that you keep screaming in my damn ear. Did it ever occur to you that maybe people have feeling?" watching as a boy ran off stage crying

"Well quite frankly Adelina I don't care and your smart remarks aren't going to make a difference with this." Gustavo yelled for the millionth time today taking his glasses off

Adelina stopped spinning in her chair and pushed herself in front of the desk to face Gustavo instead of being by his side. "Stop screaming like a Three year old and I'm not being a smart ass. I'm just simply stating the facts that you cant seem to comprehend."

Kelly rolled her eyes at the two standing up and slamming her hand on the table. Opening her mouth to try and make the peace between the two but no words came out as Gustavo stood up and just yelled in Adelina face.

Adelina tilted her head to the side with a challenging look before she jumped out of her seat, leaning her hands on the table and screaming back at him just as loud.

Shot in the Dark (James Diamond)Where stories live. Discover now