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I anxiously walked in the forest, fidgeting with my hands. "Taco?" I called out, hoping for a response. I continued walking deeper into the forest until I heard a familiar British accent.

"I didn't expect you to actually come out here." She muttered, appearing behind me as I whipped around to look at her. "I'm surprised too.. Just tell me, do you really know something about Trophy, or did you just want to waste my time?" I crossed my arms, watching her shift uncomfortably and put her hands behind her back.

She sighed, taking a few steps closer. "This is about Trophy. I know where he is." My eyes widened, my thoughts going from one question to another. "How did you even know that we already were concerned about him..? Did you do something to him?!" I balled up my fists, keeping them to my sides.

"Oh, please. I've known and seen everyone long enough to know that you all would consider him missing after just a nanosecond. And no, I didn't do anything. If I did, he'd be an odd choice, would he not?" I thought about it and relaxed, but I wouldn't let go of how she apparently knew where he was.

"So then.. Where is he?" Taco smirked, turning around. "I can show you." She began to walk away, and I followed. After a minute or two, she stopped, and crouched down and reached into a bush. She dragged someone out..


"Oh- OH MY GOD!" I screamed, disgusted by how disfigured he looked. His head was cracked open, and I could see a bit of his brain. I covered my mouth, trying to prevent myself from throwing up. Taco watched me, as if I were overreacting. "You know, I get that it's a grim sight, but is it really worth vomiting over?"

"YES?? HE'S- HE'S DEAD! I CAN LITERALLY SEE SOME OF HIS BRAIN! HOW ARE YOU NOT DISGUSTED?!" I shouted. "Oh, I am. I'm just not overly sensitive." She responded blankly. I stared at her, about to yell until I saw her look worried, dropping to the ground and rolling behind a bush. I mumbled in confusion, looking behind myself.. Lightbulb?

It took a moment to process it, but I realized she had me at gunpoint. I put my hands up, not daring to utter a word. "Why? C'mon, Mic! WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?!" She yelled, looking absolutely psychotic. Her smile was wide, but she also looked.. Scared. I froze, trying to speak clearly without shaking. "L-Lightbulb.. Did you-?" She shut me up, interrupting. "YES! YES, I DID! I NEVER MEANT TO HURT ANYONE BUT IT JUST.. IT JUST HAPPENED!" She looked like she was about to break down, which was a saddening sight. I wanted to comfort her, but she was a killer! But.. She probably needed it.

I spoke up after a moment of thinking, lowering my voice. "Look, we can w-work something out! Nobody has to get hurt again! Just put the gun dow-" I tried to take a step closer, lowering my arms, but she took it as a threat and..


I immediately fell to my knees, holding my stomach, panicking

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I immediately fell to my knees, holding my stomach, panicking. I looked up her and she just stared back, her eyes widening. She shook and shot me a couple more times, from my head, to my chest, to my stomach.

I felt cold, weak and everything hurt. I laid down against the grass, feeling how I was bleeding out of my stomach. My vision went blurry, but I could hear some noises and talking, laced with the sounds of struggling and crying. It went on for a while, but before I blacked out, I heard another shot.

Lightbulb's POV:

I stared at Taco, bullet directly in the center of her forehead. She stopped moving, just stood there before collapsing onto my chest. My eyes pooled with tears as I pushed her off of me, dropping the gun. I stared at the two bodies near me, sobbing into my bloody hands. "I- I didn't mean to.. To.." I choked on my words, holding back a scream. I sat up on my knees, feeling paralyzed. Like I couldn't get up to hide the two, or stand up in general.

I just stayed there until my eyes couldn't produce anymore tears, drying my hands by wiping them off on my pants. I tried to push myself to stand up, shakily grabbing Taco by the arms, dragging her deeper into the forest, doing same with microphone shortly after. I looked down at the duo, not even thinking about how I'd have to prevent any of this happening again.

I walked out of the forest, sneaking into the hotel. I knew there were shovels here, but I was unsure where. I searched up and down, finding two in a closet. I wondered why they were there in the first place, but shrugged it off. They'd help me anyway. I grabbed one and slowly tip-toe'd downstairs, looking around the lobby, holding the shovel close just in case of anyone seeing me.. Especially when I'm like this.

I walked back to the forest, shoveling two holes and dragging their bodies inside each one. I covered up the holes with dirt, sighing in relief after finishing. I stared at the shovel and walked out of the forest, going to my room.

I wanted to frown seeing Test Tube, just peacefully sleeping. I slowly walked into the room, carefully locking the door behind myself. I walked to my closet, putting on a pink and black striped night gown, putting my bloody clothes under my bed, right next to my bloody pants from the day before.

I laid down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. My nose scrunched up as I started to sniffle and cry, I tried to keep it down, trying to keep Test Tube asleep. "Nobody should worry about me, or my problems" I thought, only making the sobbing worse.

I didn't even care about how loud I was getting, turning on my side and putting the blanket over my whole body. I felt like I was pitying myself, I didn't have to kill anyone, but I did. I was too deep into my sorrow to hear Test Tube waking up.

"Mmh.. Light-..?" I heard her mumble, tapping the her nightstand to get her glasses. I didn't respond, only kept crying. I felt her looming over me, gently pulling the covers off of my face. I felt like a wreck, and I could tell by the way she looked at me, I definitely was. She turned on the light, and I flinched.

She scooted onto my bed, holding me close to her. I immediately latched to her shirt and sobbed my heart out, while she just sat there and pat my back.

When I started to quiet down, she spoke up. "So.. Do you wanna talk about it now?" She calmy asked. I thought about it and nodded a little bit, not exactly knowing why. I didn't know what I'd tell her, I just didn't wanna keep her in the dark.

"Alright then.. What's wrong with then?" I sat up and rested my head on her shoulder, thinking. "I.. Well.. Remember those pill thingies you let me test out? I- I took more than one. Like, I kept it in my pocket after I took the first one.. I'm sorry. I took that one today and I- it-" I cut myself off, trying to prevent myself from breaking down.

She tilted her head, but didn't try to pry, just keep her arm around me. "Okay, it's okay. Calm down. I'm a tad disappointed you stole from me, but it was just one. Right? Did that one cause anything? Like a nightmare? Uncontrollable breakdown?" Her questions overwhelmed me, but I took a deep breath. She didn't need to know the whole truth.

"Yeah.. Just one. I dunno what happened, I just started sobbing for no reason and I couldn't help it. I think it might be the.. Uncontrollable breakdown thing?" I tried to not sound like I was lying, which I think worked.

"Oh dear.. Look, I'll work on those more, okay? Do you want to go to sleep? I'll stay right next to you if you start to breakdown again." I felt like a kid when she asked that, but I needed comfort more than anything, so I simply nodded and laid back down.

She put her hand on my head, putting her fingers through my hair. It was honestly pretty nice, and I felt a little relaxed. At least, enough to fall asleep peacefully.

I closed my eyes, drifting off with my only thoughts being about Test tube.

(A/N: What's goodie my gang 🙏🙏 uuhhh y'all got testbulb EAT UP 😚😚 anygays but like this chapter took a while oopsie and uuuhhmmm idk these things are getting all rushy 🤔 BUT LIKE SHOUT OUT TO MY CO-WRITERS/FRIENDS FOR HELPING ME WRITE THIS🙏 but erm 1527 words)

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