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(Evelyn's POV)

It was... Me? The images on Mateo's phone... There were hundreds of them... All of me.  Me changing in the locker room, me in the bathroom, pictures he had taken by hiding his phone up my skirt. It was all so disgusting. It made me sick to my stomach, and I had to cover my mouth to stop the vomit that I felt rising up my throat. I pushed the phone away and swallowed the bile. 

"If you think that's bad, wait until you see what he was trying to do with them." Roman tsked, pushing the phone back into my face and making me see something else. 

It was a website where men would sell inappropriate pictures of unwilling women, for large prices, ranging from $300-6,000 dollars. Mateo had arranged to sell these pictures to several men, as his messages depicted. I was the topic of discussion. Mateo had labeled me as the "Innocent Bimbo Co-Worker." and built quite a following, posting pictures of my face, pictures of me from behind, building anticipation to the release of my provocative images. 

I felt my throat close up and my eyes widen and fill with tears and I gasped for air as I smacked the phone away, backing up into the wall and covering my face. I felt so used, so disgusting. 

"Poor girl, come here." Roman cooed, wrapping his toned arms around me in a tight embrace. I couldn't help but rest my head against his shoulder and weap into his shirt. I needed comfort so badly in that moment. I felt betrayed and hurt, and I needed to be healed. I felt his tensed muscles soften once I hugged him back, and he rubbed my back in a soothing way. 

Mateo, who could only sit back and watch us, lowered his gaze in humiliation as his ulterior motives had just been revealed. There was no doubt in my mind that he deserved to die, but could I really do it?

Roman backed away from me and caressed my cheek, placing the knife back in my hands. "It's time." 

I nodded and hesitantly gripped his shoulder to stand up, and began walking towards Mateo. He saw me walking towards him and his eyes widened in terror as he noticed the knife in my hands, and he desperately tried to get away. Because his ankles were broken, his actions were futile and he could barely move without crying out in pain. I stepped over him and lifted the knife, shutting my eyes. In a swift, shaky movement, I brought it down. The knife landed near his head and fell against the concrete floor, and I burst into a fit of tears. 

I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill another human being. I felt so weak, so broken, so disappointed. I heard Roman sigh behind us and his shoes clack against the ground as he slowly stepped towards us. 

He gently lifted me off of Mateo, placing his hands on my hips and raising me to stand up. "I see. Well, there's something else we could do." He divulged. 

We both stared up at him, my eyes red from crying and exhaustion, and Mateo's eyes dull and expressionless. Roman kicked the knife across the room and stepped up the stairs, wrapping his fingers around the doorknob before looking back at us. 

"I will be back in one hour. Whoever is still alive, gets a prize." 

With that, he left us alone, staring at the door in shock. Mateo immediately scooted away from me, placing his hands against the floor to stand up, grunting as the pain from his ankles sears through him. I stood up, too, looking at him with wide eyes. My stance made it so that I could run towards the knife, but Mateo was closer. We stared at each other, panting in anticipation and animosity. I know Mateo would kill me to save himself, I couldn't allow that to happen. 

I watched his feet lift off of the ground as he prepared himself to pounce towards the weapon. My expression shifted to desperation and I tried to pull him back, "Wait!" 

He turned to look at me, a regretful look in his eyes. "I have to, Evelyn. I have to go home. I have a family," 

"I have a family too!" I screamed, gripping his arm. 

"Yeah, but-" He started, but I cut him off. 

"There are no buts, Mateo! You did a disgusting, awful thing to me. For once in my life, this is about me! This is about what you did to me!" I snapped, my grip on his arm tightening.

He groaned and sat back down, covering his eyes with his hands. "Okay, let's just- take a little break.

I sat next to him and sighed, resting my elbows against my knees. "Why did you do it, Mateo?" 

"I don't know. I'm sick." He replied, his voice weak. 

"That's not an excuse!" I exclaimed, looking at him incredulously. Suddenly, he stood back up and ran to the knife, picking it up and running back to me, an obvious limp in his step. I ran away from him until my back hit the wall. When he got close to me, I raised my fist and punched him straight in the nose, making him fall to his knees. The knife slid away and I grabbed his arm.

Without warning, I let him go and jumped towards the knife, gripping the handle and hugging it to my chest. He pounced on top of me and tried to pull it out of my fingers, but my grip was so tight that it turned my fingers white. 

I screamed and lifted my knee to knee him between the legs, and he immediately fell off of me, his body colliding with the floor as he groaned in pain. I sat on top of him and lifted the knife again, panting heavily as I hesitated to bring it down. 

"You are the biggest, nastiest, rudest bitch that I've ever-" He began, but I cut him off by bringing the knife down into his throat. I stabbed him over and over again, and the blood sprayed out of his neck and covered my face. He choked and his mouth sputtered with blood as he felt the liquid rising in his throat, and his eyes were wide and petrified. I kept pulling the knife out and inserting it back in until he stopped struggling and his body went limp. 

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