Part : 1 Confession

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Author POV

Wei wuxian opened his eyes with an halt as he took a deep breath, but wait- Why does it felt like sitting in Cloud Recesses, he was in Guanyin Temple.

However, Wei wuxian rubbed his eyes continuously for few time and after staring at everything blankly for half an hour he finally realised that he was no longer standing in the Guanyin Temple, but in the Cloud Recesses of all places, sitting next to Jiang cheng who looked very young, like fifteen years old, who also didn't seemed like he wanted to murder him in worst way possible either, Wei wuxian wasn't sure which one was more shocking for goodness sake.

Wei wuxian thought suddenly shifted as the memories flashed into his mind, the person who stand by his side when no was there, the person who always protected him, the person who will never leave his side, the person who has always trusted him, the person who never questioned his intentions, even when everyone was blaming him, calling him monster there was one person who still loved him, Lan zhan. Lan zhan, the most perfect, beautiful wonderful person. Lan zhan loved him enough- to wait for him for thirteen years. He was so dumb not to understand anything. He will express his true feelings, no matter what.

Wei wuxian wanted to go and find Lan zhan now. He needed to explain, to tell him how he felt, that he loved him, that he wanted to stay with him go with him back to Gusu, or wherever he wanted to go really, as long as they could remain together. And that he really, really enjoyed the night they'd spent together, and they could do it again as soon as...well, as soon as they'd done something about Jin Guangyao, and there was no longer any danger around them.

Therefore, he stood up, intent to get out of this place and find Lan zhan and that was when he realised that 'this place' wasn't at all what he expected it to be.

"Why did you stand up?" asked Jiang cheng, the disciples turned around, looking confused, and Wei wuxian realised exactly where he was.

'What the hell is happening?'

"Wei Wuxian!" a shouting voice can be heard, Wei wuxian turned his head to see Lan qiren glaring at him.

At the moment Wei wuxian just stood there as he wasn't sure of what the hell was going on, he could feel Jiang cheng tug at his sleeve, hissing at him to stop being an idiot, and maybe he actually would've listened and tried to give himself time to process what the hell was happening right now if he hadn't somehow found himself standing right infront of his Lan zhan.

Wei wuxian step backward, he wanted to jump on Lan zhan right now but then a thought came into his mind, he wasn't his Lan zhan. With these thoughts Wei wuxian started backing but suddenly caught a clear look of Lan zhan face and he can read it asking, 'Wei ying? You are my Wei ying?

"Lan Zhan! Oh... Lan Zhan!"

However, Lan zhan was still standing there like a statue, and Wei Wuxian threw himself forward, wrapping his arms around Lan zhan neck.

"Lan Zhan- back then, I really wanted to sleep with you!"

"Wei Wuxian we got it now sit back, wait -WHAT?" shouted Jiang cheng as his face turned horrible.

Anyways, Wei wuxian ignored Jiang cheng's shouting, the disciples sitting there started to whispers and Lan qiren's face was paled in a mixture of shock and horror.

Lan zhan eyes widened, and Wei wuxian could see the acknowledgement in his eyes, and he nearly sobbed in relief.

Yes, that was definitely his Lan zhan.

"Wei Ying..." mumbled Lan zhan with slightly trembling voice. murmured, and his voice trembled.

"Lan Zhan... Did you hear what I said?" asked Wei wuxian but Lan zhan was still frozen.

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