XXI. I considered it.

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11 a.m.

It was the next day, you were in your cabin, biting lips, wondering what to do.
So you called Seungcheol.

Meanwhile, in Pledis Corporation, scenario was different.
"Thursday or there's no other possibly smooth day for executing this.", the consigliere, Na Yeong-seok or Na pd-nim gave his verdict.
"It's not possible, pd-nim. You heard our consequences, suggest something else, please?", Seokmin requested.

The boys really respected the consigliere since he has had always been loyal. To even their father and now to them as well, he didn't leave side of Pledis or Seventeen even in the hardest times and is their only contact in the vampire world.

"Aren't they like supposed to-", Na pd-nim sighed before continuing. "See boys, I don't have the rights to question your life choices but aren't your partners supposed to support all of you in these things? I mean... it's a responsibility of a mafia wife... and they think anything can touch you all-?"

The guys sighed.

"No... pd-nim, there's a different story. You all probably don't know.", Seungcheol started. "The ladies lost their brothers in a mission. They belong to mafia family as well. So ofcourse there's something called fear. Losing seven brothers... all in a mission ofcourse can trouble your brain chemistry and vision regarding missions. I don't complain or blame them at all. And plus they think we're humans."
"Ohhh...!!!", everyone nodded in understanding.
"Hm... definitely must've been difficult. I think you should cancel it-", Na pd-nim suggested.
"I think-", and Seungcheol's phone buzzed. "Oh it's Yn... excuse me~"

"Yes, baby?", he picked up.
"Where are you right now?", you asked.
"I'm in the base, why?"
"I'll come to your base."
"All of a sudden?"
"Umhm... I wanna talk to you.", you said.
"Should I be there then?", he asked.
"No... I'll come there. Send me the address!"
"Alright, love!"

 Send me the address!""Alright, love!" __________________

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Seungcheol was impatiently waiting for you in his office. The vampire had figured out something off in your voice. His secretary entered his office.

"Boss, you have a la-", he couldn't even complete when the boss got up and ran outside. "Wow...", even the secretary was amazed.

He took the elevator and went to the ground floor. You were sitting in the waiting area, infront of the reception.
Everyone bowed down when Seungcheol passed by them and went to you.

"Hey, my love!", he greeted, kneeling infront of you to reach your level.

"Oh my god... did he just-"
"Why didn't I die before witnessing this?"
"Am I trippin or did boss really kneel infront of that lady?"
"Goddamn, she must be someone important."
"Am I in heaven already? Is that lady an angel?"
"That's a freaking beautiful lady."
"I bet she's boss' girlfriend or wife."
"She can be sis- oh shit!"
"They kissed, she's definitely the mother of his kids, y'all, am dying. They're beautiful together."
The employees chit-chatted, flabbergasted.

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