The blonde Yandere

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                   ROLES IN THIS AU
Yuu=Love interest
Mitsuba=Side character
Krul:Yandere's Adopted sister
Asuramuru=Love interests friend(Separated from Krul)
Aoi=Side character's sister
Ferid=A random teacher
Yochi=Shiho's crush
Shiho=Yochi's crush
+Some random ppl
Mika's mom:Mika and Krul's mom
Krul knows Mika is a Yandere like their mother
Kinky shit(*Ahem* Yuu *Ahem*)
Yes Shinoa is an asshole in this AU
Lacus x Rene
Mika x Yuichiro (Ofc🤭)
Shiho x Yochi
Shinoa x Mitsuba?(most likely)
Random rivals x Death🤭
Ferid x Shit

The time was 8:00 in class 6-A(Yes it is a Japanese school) as the students were talking to there friends, but then suddenly the teacher starts speaking

Teacher:"Okay listen up class today we'll have a new student make sure to treat him with respect"

Everyone turned and faced the front of the classroom as the new student walks in

Mika:"Hello my names Mikaela"

Teacher:"How about you say something about yourself"

Mika's thoughts:Is this bitch serious right

Mika:"I am good at reading I guess"

Teacher:"Alright! You may sit by.... hmmm..Ah! You may sit by Yuichiro over there in the corner,Yuichiro raise your hand"

Yuichiro:*Raises hand*

Teacher:"Yes, that boy go sit by him"


Yochi:"Hey guys, did y'all see the new kid he looks cool"

Shinoa:"Yeah,whatever he looks like a wimp"

Yuichiro:"why are you being like this? You never act like this?"

Shinoa:"What?! I'm just saying my opinion on the new guy"

Yuichiro:"What's your problem with him anyways? I think he's pretty cool"

Yochi:"Yeah, I agree with Yuichiro-Kun you never act like that"(I am never typing Kun again😭)

Shinoa:"He just gives me bad vibes what was his name again Mia- no -Mike-"

Yuichiro:"Mikaela..that's his name"

Shinoa:"Yeah-whatever, he gives me bad vibes did you not see the way he was looking at Yuichiro?!"

Yuichiro:"Are you on crack? He wasn't even looking at me,"

     they didn't even notice
Who was watching them...

Mika:"So...that's how it is...alright then let it be that way..."(STOPPP I'M SOBBING THAT WAS SO CRINGY...ANYGAYS)

Krul:"What are you doing Mikaela.."


Krul:"Mhm, yeah sure"

Mika:"Oh, whatever"

Krul:"Remember we have class in an hour"

Mika:"Yeah, yeah I know, any ways have you made any friends?"

❤️Pretty little psycho..❤️Where stories live. Discover now