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When Jennie woke up from her climax, she have returned to reality.

She was sleeping on Taehyung's arms.

"Awake?" Taehyung tilted his body, then lowered his head and kissed Jennie's eyebrows.

Jennie looked at the familiar face, stared for a second and then buried herself into Taehyung's arms, "Tae..."

Taehyung squeezed her face and asked with a smile, "Who are you calling?"

"Of course, it's you." Jennie touched Taehyung's face and said softly, "It seems you have changed a lot in the past few years."


"Yeah, but still handsome as ever."

Taehyung smiled.

Jennie rubbed Taehyung's chest and said coquettishly, "It would be great if the things that happened in the dream were real."

"Really? Including the time you gave an oral s*x to my younger self and riding him and breaking his virginity?" Taehyung questioned.

"You know I'm not talking about that!" Jennie was embarrassed and hammered Taehyung with her first, but he grasped her fist, "Which one is it then?"

"It's the time we met when we were first year student and then we got to know each other, then we start falling in love." Jennie explained.

"But I was two grades higher than you and if I transferred to your school we would not be seatmate, I'm afraid we won't be able to meet." Taehyung lowered his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, he just smiled and said, "Sometimes I really envy all your male classmates."

"It's not that you have to be in the same class with me." Jennie pressed her body on Taehyung's side, "That is, you could have met me earlier and get to know each other. Didn't you fall in love with me very early?" Jennie felt that when she said this, she was a bit ashamed and arrogant but Taehyung just laughed.

He trace her back and stroke it slowly, "I was not the same as I am now."

"You mean, you were difficult to approach and cold just like in the dream, right?" Jennie asked.

"Yeah" he agreed.

"You know, I like him too." Jennie confessed.

Taehyung was stunned and could not react, "What?"

Jennie held his face and planted a kiss on his cheek, then smiling and her eyes shining, "As long as it's you, no matter what personality you have, I will always like you. If I met you earlier, we would have been high school sweethearts."

With such a beautiful girl declaring her feelings towards him, Taehyung let go of his guard and asked, "But didn't you like the gentle type?"

Jennie frowned, a fleeting thought comes through her mind..."Gentle? When did I told you I like a gentle person....Um..."

Taehyung also realized that he said something, so he kissed her eagerly and blocked Jennie's lips.

"Um...no..." Jennie separated from Taehyung forcefully and covered her mouth, "I just woke up and I haven't brushed my teeth yet, why did you kiss me?"

"The little mouth above is not allowed to be kissed, then give me a kiss from the bottom one?"

"No...Ah~" Jennie didn't want it. How could she do it again when she was done in her dream?

She can't stand it anymore.

But the little c*nt under her body is disobedient and liked to be pleasured. So when Taehyung held the big glans and entered, her p*ssy was even more welcoming to swallow him.

"It's so soft." Taehyung separated her legs in a rough voice and submerged his thick c*ck.

"Too full..." Jennie shed tears under his thrust but was quickly brought up by Taehyung's thrusting.

Taehyung was full of energy and inexhaustible stamina, so Jennie could just lay on the bed and allowed him to change her position one after the other. This is destined to be an early morning exercise in bed from now on.

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