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This whole mess... It all started in fourth grade when Rhonda Wellington Lloyd decided to bring her 'foolproof' origami marriage predictor to school to share amongst her friends. "Sheena!" Rhonda called out to the hippie girl, "would you by chance like to know who it is you're going to one day marry and spend your life with?" Although the idea sounded quite tempting, she, being the quiet, peaceful girl that she is, didn't want to cause any trouble. "N-no thank you, Rhonda... I'd rather it be a surprise, if you know what I mean..." She immediately allowed her eyes to wander off to Eugene. She had been very fond of him ever since the day she and him had met. Her daydreaming of him one day getting on one knee, asking for her hand in marriage, was ruined by Rhonda whining. "Oh please, Sheena! I know it can be scary, but wouldn't you like to know??" Sheena sighed, looking away from her crush. "Fine, Rhonda. I'll do it this one time." Rhonda smiled, and with this, she prepared her fortune teller. "What's your favorite color?" She asked, as part of the game. "Pink". "P-I-N-K, pink," Rhonda said, before again asking another question- "what's your lucky number?", to which Sheena replied "three." "1, 2, 3...." Rhonda went with the motions of the piece of paper. "And so, without any question whatsoever, you, Sheena, according to the origami marriage predictor, are going to marry..." she paused as she flipped the piece of paper up to reveal a name. "Eugene!" ... Sheena paused for a hot second. Did her ears just deceive her? Did Rhonda just say she was going to marry the boy she had been pining over for oh-so-long?? Her excitement overflowed, and it showed with her reaction. "Oh, that's wonderful!! I'm going to marry Eugene!" She said with pride, running over to him and taking his hand. "Oh, well.... I'm sure we'll be very happy together... Heh...." Eugene sighed, both surprised and displeased. He did like Sheena, this was true, but, like any other 9-year-old boy, he had little interest in love or marriage. That night, they had dreams very similar to Arnold and Helga's in the episode "Married". Eugene felt as if he were in for it.... Little did he know, he would most definitely fall for her one day...

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