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(Ink Pov.)

I was laying on one of the floating islands in the doodle sphere, staring up into the golden washed sky filled with pages of paper, which were, of course, the Aus.

And I am now just upset, because I'm tired of being so bored. I sat up, and pouted, because I couldn't find anyone else from looking into the Aus. They probably knew I was watching and they didn't want to have anything to do with me. 

"Comeee onnnnn." I groaned, "There's nothing fun happening." I sighed, crossing my legs.
"At least if Error were here he'd tell me about how much he hated me. But in the end...he's still talking to me...right?" I thought out loud.

Then sighed and laid on the ground again, "It's all my fault the Stars disbanded..." I whispered.
"If I had just slept here...then my nightmares wouldn't of worried Dream and Blue...and they wouldn't of tried to keep themselves awake to make sure I was okay...and we wouldn't of fought..." I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes.

"WHY IS TALKING TO PEOPLE SO DIFFUCULT?" I yelled at nothing in particular. "I could of easily killed myself by now and no-one would of noticed." I grumbled. I took a deep breath, and pulled out my phone. 

Me: "Dream...look...I'm sorry...please respond..."

No response, it was left unread.


Me: "Blue...you gotta talk to me at least? please?"

No response, it was read.


Me: "Error- yeah never-mind."

No response, it was read.


Me: "Cross? Hello? are you awake?"

No response, it was left unread.


Me: "Reaper? you of all people aren't busy...are you there?"

No response, it was read.


I sighed heavily and put my phone down beside me. 'There's no use...everyone hates you.' A voice in my head ringed out. 'Because you talk to much, you're too needy, you're annoying.' they said...maybe they were right....maybe they all hate me...

Then all of a sudden I hear a quiet PING! I picked up my phone and glanced over the messages.

Reaper: "Call me." 

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I switched the messages to "call" and called my brother.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I hear his voice as I put the phone on speaker and lay it next to me, then I lay back, with my hands under my head. "It's just good to hear your voice..." I sighed.
"No one answering?" He asked, "No...I- uhm-" I took a deep breath. 

"You have something on your mind...." He said in a soft tone. "I- well..." I felt slightly nervous.
"Hold on...I'm at a café in Candy Tale, I have Ccino with me. Come over and we'll talk." He said, "Okay..." I sighed, we said bye, and hung up.

'Wait-' I thought...'There's a café in Candy Tale?'

[Reaper Pov.]

I was sitting at a booth in the café, looking out the window, when suddenly a puddle of ink seeped through the floor, and Ink popped up out of it. He seemed...lost in his thoughts...but once he made eye contact with me, he gave a big smile and his eyes sparkled as he waved at me.

He sat himself a crossed from me, he seemed to be trying to contain his excitement. Waiting for me to say something. "Uh- Hi?" I said, "It seems that the fact he's seen you was enough." Ccino said, causing me to jump slightly, I forgot he was sitting next to me....

"So...what's on your mind?" I asked Ink, which seemed to calm him down a bit, his expression became sad. As he glanced away, putting a hand on his cheek as he leaned against the table.

"Do you think everyone hates me because I'm annoying?" He asks me, I felt pain in my chest..."Who told you that?" I asked, not liking where this was going already..."Well..." He began, he put his hand on his chest, a gripped his shirt. "I feel like, I'm trying so much to feel what other people feel...that...it annoys them..." He whispered...

"Not trying to change the subject but where are your buddies?" Ccino asked Ink, causing me to flinch again. HOW IS HE SO QUIET-

"Oh you mean my friends?" Ink said, glancing back at us and smiling slightly, "Well- we got into a fight..." He said, "Well- what happened that made you all fight?" Ccino asked, I realized that I hadn't asked him that question...

"I was having nightmares again...and Dream told Blue that they would take turns watching me, without my consent and...well...they were losing sleep, so I scolded them, and told them I was fine, then we fought, and...well...yeah..." Ink explained, I sighed, rubbing my face.

"You've been having nightmare's again?" I asked, Ink fidgeted with his fingers a bit, looking uncomfortable..."Uhh- yeah..." I was...

Something was off- He seemed a bit panicky...What's going on with him?...

(778 wrds )

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