Mission X

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In the deepest part of the Galaxy, within the stars.
Lies a ruined planet...

And above it, outside the planet.

A Black triangle shaped pod, blitzed through the dark and cold space straight into the ruined planet.

As the pod enters its cold atmosphere,the pod suddenly stops.

[System]: system online ready for departure.

The bottom of the pod opens and Drops a black drone...

As the drone falls,the pod Quickly leaves.

The drone lands on the ground, making a big crater.

The drone's visor Starts to load, revealing it's red system.

[System complete good luck X]

The drone rubs it's head.

X: oh looks like im here... And uh... This place looks so... Uh...

*Building collapses*

X: gloomy?

X stands up,and his visor glows with his red eyes.

X walks around a little and recalls his mission

The system gives him the details.

(1)Investigate the ruined planet
(2)Kill the World eater
(3)Do what ever you want.
(4)Evacuate the remaining worker drones

"Oh well guess i should... Uhh" X says to himself.

Suddenly he heard the sound of someone giggling, that sounds like a girl.

X: oh crap...

He turns one of his hand into a railcannon before turning around and aims.

But to his surprise he saw a female-

X: -murder drone!?

The murder drones spreads its metallic wings while swinging her Syringe like tail.

drone: Hehehe

X: I have no time fo-

Suddenly a missile flies towards him,but he catched it, with pure ez.

X: eh... They still use this outdated explosives.

X turns to where the murder drone is,but she wasn't there anymore.

X smirks, and turns his left hand into a plasma blade,and slices one of the buildings in half.

The building Crumbles Down, until it's just a pile of rubble and metal.

He scans the building,but didn't see anything,not until a syringe like tail Hits him.

But to the attacker's surprise the syringe didn't even penetrated X's body.

X turns to his left and saw the attacker, a female murder drone with silver hair.

X: Who the hell are you

Drone: What the!?

The murder drone turns her hand into a blade,and slashes X's arm,but when the blade hits X,the blade snaps.

Drone: Hah!?

X: Tch... * hand turns to a Railgun*

X grabs the hand of the murder drone,and points the barrel of the Railgun at her face.

Drone: Cra-

X: -one question one answer, What's your name.

Drone: Why wo-

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