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Taehyung was extremely demanding since he was not able to f*ck her for several days. At this time, Taehyung is naturally inexhaustible. Jennie was tossed over and over again until she just accept the inevitable. She does not even remember how many times she climax.


After cleaning her up, Taehyung helped Jennie to put on her pajamas and carried her back to bed, "Go to sleep, baby, I love you."

"I want you to hug me to sleep..." Jennie sleepily murmured.

Taehyung wishing to always stick Jennie to himself, embraced Jennie into his arms.

"Good night~" Jennie found a comfortable position and nestled in Taehyung's arms and then fell asleep. Taehyung kissed the top of her hair and responded softly, "Good night."

He has turned his phone on silence before he arrived home. But his phone keeps on receiving messages constantly, reminding Taehyung that someone is looking for him.

Taehyung is reluctant to leave the bed.

He gently caressed Jennie to coax her to sleep and after confirming she has finally fallen asleep, he gently took out his arms under her and let her sleep in the pillow.

Taehyung wrinkled his eyebrows and picked up the phone. A lot of unread messages and missed calls came fron his team.

It seems that he is going to be busy again.

Before going to the study, Taehyung wanted to kiss Jennie and wake her up again but he decided to just stood by the bed and look at her, "Sleep well."

After that, he finally went to his study room.

Taehyung hoped for her to sleep longer but Jennie woke up two hours later.

When Jennie woke up, she was alone in the bed and she look at the time on her phone.

"Where did kook go?" Jennie felt the side where Taehyung usually sleeps and found that the side was cold.

He's not here?

Jennie got up and looked for Taehyung and noticed that the light from the study room was still on.

She gently opened the door and went in and saw Taehyung sitting in front of the computer in a meeting, they were discussing the problem of the virtual world in the game.

"Jen?" Taehyung saw her and frowned, "Why are you awake?"

Jennie yawned, "Well, are you still working?"

Taehyung took off his handset and strode towards Jennie, and put a coat on her, "It's cold in the morning, don't catch the cold."

"Yeah." Jennie put her head on Taehyung's chest and rubbed it in sleepily. Thinking that he is still working, she pushed him away with reluctance and urged him, "You should go back to work and when you're done come back to bed."

Taehyung is worried about her and pulled her back into his arms, asked in a low voice, "Can you sleep by yourself? Should I stay with until you fall asleep?"

Jennie pouted, "I'm not a kid anymore and I don't need you by my side to fell asleep, go back to work."

Taehyung responded by kissing her again and carrying her back to bed.

Although she felt it was not comfortable to sleep without her boyfriend on her side, Jennie still feels at ease when she think of Taehyung is just next door.

However, no matter how many times she turn on the bed, she could not sleep at all. Since Taehyung is next door, Jennie wanted to wait for him to come back.

But after waiting for a long time, she finally couldn't wait for Taehyung to return. "It seems that Tae is really busy..." Jennue sighed and got up from the bed, then went to make a cup of coffee for Taehyung.

The door of the study is not locked, Jennie pushed the door open directly and brought the coffee to Taehyung's desk.

As soon as she approached, she heard a loud voice from Taehyung's earphones, "F*ck! So my sister-in-law is so beautiful! No wonder brother Kim insists on going back home when he is so busy!"

Taehyung frowned and is directly unhappy, he turned off his camera.

Jennie blinked, "You're not supposed to be here?"

Taehyung stretched out his arms and hugged her, and said warmly, "No. why are you still awake?"

Miss you....

Jennie thought so in her heart. But looking at the conference room on the other side of the screen, Jennie just keep quiet.

"I'll finish my work first, do you want to stay with me here?" Taehyung asked.


There is naturally a noise at the other side of the conference room, wanting to see their sister-in-law. But Jennie is only wearing a night dress at the moment and no underwear. Taehyung couldn't introduce Jennie to them anyway, so he ignored their noise and forced them back to their topic. As the discussion continued, Jennie sat obediently on Taehyung's lap and looked at him while her arms is around Taehyung's neck.

He's still handsome, but there are trace of fatigue in his eyes and Jennue feels distressed seeing it.

The camera on their side is turned off and Taehyung only turned on the voice module, so the other side can't see them. Perhaps it was for this reason, or Jennie became bored that she became bolder.

She first touched Taehyung's Adam's apple, then unbuttoned Taehyung's shirt and finally traces her hands along his muscle chest.

This is good.

Very comfortable.

Taehyung also has a very define chest, not to buff or too thin, just perfect for him.

Jennie is touching him here, but she did not expect to awaken Taehyung's c*ck, "You..."

Taehyung covered her mouth with his hands and pressed her on the desk, didn't even remove her night dress. He just rolled it up and unzipped his pants to release his hard c*ck, then went straight in.

"Brother Kim? Brother Kim, are you still listening?"

Taehyung inserted his hard c*ck on Jennie's tight p*ssy, and calmly said, "I'm listening, keep talking."

Jennie looked at the computer screen and her face blushed.

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