Vol 1 Chapter 11

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The atmosphere in the room was tense. Neither side was saying anything, that was until.

Riser: My...

???: shut it, brother!

Suddenly a young female whose hair was styled to look like two drills on each side came out from Risers side. She then introduced her self elegantly

Ravel: Hello my name is Ravel Phenex and you are Shigaraki Shimura the famous fashion model correct?

Shigaraki: Yes I am what can I help you with?

She then summoned one of his magazines and a pen

Ravel: Could you please sign this for me?

He chuckled to himself he was just about to reach for it when suddenly Koneko got in between the two of them.

Koneko: Senpai doesn't want anything to do with you fried chicken

Ravel: W-what did you call me?!

Koneko: Fried.... Chicken

Ravel was fuming with rage she was so close to get his autograph. She then composed herself and summoned what seemed to be two tickets

Ravel: Shigaraki-San how would you feel going to the theater with me.... Alone

Some of the women in Risers peerage were cheering her on and rooting for her

Koneko: Senpai already has plans with me tonight, isn't that right?

She then looked at me with a look that said "you better agree or your dead" Grayfia then coughed to regain everyone's attention. Both girls then went back to there respective sides but not before they glared at each other one more time.

Riser: Um yes, Rias my dear why do you still fight the inevitable

Rias: Beacuse I will not marry you Riser I will chose a man for myself

Shigaraki widen his eyes at the situation. From what he had gathered it seemed there was some sort of arange marriage between the two family's

Riser: Rias after the Great War all sides suffered significant losses over half of the 72 pillars were wiped out. This marriage is for the future of our society. I'm sure you wouldn't want to tarnish your households name.

Rias: Enough! For the last time Riser I will not marry you

Riser: I will take you back with me even if I have to incinerate everyone in this room

Both sides started to charge their demonic energies. Grayfia was about to intervene but was quickly stopped.

Shigaraki: Enough of this the two of you are acting like children

Riser: You will be the first to burn!

Grayfia then let out a massive amount of he aura which quickly shut Riser u.

Grayfia: Enough! There will be no incinerating on my watch I was sent here by Lucifer-Sama to make sure this meeting would go smoothly.

Both sides, then started to reel back in their auras.

Riser: Well if the strongest queen says so I will oblige

Grayfia: Both households knew this wouldn't go easily which is why they came up with an alternative.

Rias: Which is?

Grayfia: A rating game between both households. If Rias-Sama wins the engagement will be called off, however if Riser-Sama wins it will proceed

Rias was taken aback by the offer. She had figured that her brother might have proposed this.

Riser: I have participated in many rating games while you however have no experience

Rias grit her teeth she knew that if she had any hope of getting out of this she would have to win.

Rias: Grayfia tell my brother I accept

Riser: Since this will be your first rating game I will give you. 10 days to train.

Rias: Are you looking down on me?

Riser: Think of it as you will, But now this Rias you will be my bride

He then laughed and him and his peerage then disappeared in the same magic circle they had appeared from. Grayfia then left soon after saying she would be informing both households on the meeting.

Shigaraki: Rias would it be alright if me and my friends accompanied you for your training?

Everyone in the room was shocked at the question. What could he gain from helping them with something he had no place in.

Rias: W-why would you help us.

Shigaraki: Because of the agreement we made in exchange for me helping you I would return the favor.

Rias started to cry all her life she thought there would be no escape out of this marriage. But now there was a light at the end of that tunnel there was an out for her. She then jumped onto him forcing him to the ground and kept thanking him for what he did. He could only laugh and reassure her everything would be okay.


Currently Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga and Asia were packing there clothing for the next few days in order to help Ris with her training. At first they were confused but after he explained her situation they were immediately onboard. Shigaraki knew this was going to be an uphill battle for them but he was going to help them no matter what..........

End of chapter

I know this one is much shorter compared to the others. That's mainly because I've been doing almost daily uploads and I'm starting to feel the consequences so it might be a while until the next chapter.

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